16th July 2021 : Postdoc on Multiscale Dynamics in Active Systems, at the Complex Systems Research Lab of Prof. C. Huepe at Northwestern University, USA

We are searching for a postdoctoral researcher to work on a project on
the role of multiscale dynamics in the self-organization of active system.
This 3-year, fully funded position will develop fundamental theoretical
research using analytical calculations, agent-based simulations, and
datasets to explore the relationship between the focusing of energy and
information into collective modes and the emergence of coherent active states.
Selection will begin July 31 and continue until the position is filled. The
expected starting date is between September and December 2021.
Further details and application instructions: https://tinyurl.com/y6h963d4

From: Cristian Huepe <cristian@northwestern.edu>

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