16th March 2022 : 6 postdoc positions – Turing Centre for Living Systems – Marseille

Dear colleagues,
The Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI) wishes to attract
talented Postdoc candidates to the Luminy campus, in Marseille, France.
To do so, CENTURI will fund up to *6 Postdoc positions* to start in
December 2022. Postdocs will work in an interdisciplinary life science
environment, and have backgrounds in any of the following fields: cell
or developmental biology, immunology, neurobiology, biophysics,
theoretical physics, computer science, bioinformatics, applied
mathematics, engineering.

This *interdisciplinary postdoctoral program* is now open for
applications, until *April 13, 2022*.

*List of projects and application instructions*:

We encourage you to share this call with your professional network!
Best regards,

Pierre Ronceray

Turing Centre for Living Systems & CINAM, Université Aix-Marseille


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