16th March 2022 : postdoc – trajectory analysis of pattern-forming cells – Marseille

Dear all,

We are proposing a postdoctoral project in theoretical biophysics, on
« Pattern formation through cell movement: how do cells self-organize? ».
The goal of this project is to elucidate the interactions that result
into a regular patterning of multiciliated cells in the development of
the Xenopus embryo. This will be done by adapting and using stochastic
inference techniques to analyze existing experimental trajectories of
these cells /in vivo./ Full details about the project can be found here:


This project is proposed within the Turing Centre for Living Systems
(CENTURI) interdisciplinary postdoctoral call, on the Luminy campus, in
Marseille, France. It is supervised by Pierre Ronceray (CINaM, theory
part) and Laurent Kodjabachian (IBDM, whose lab produces the data). To


Deadline for applications to the call is April 13. I encourage potential
candidates to contact me ahead of applying formally to the CENTURI call
by sending me a CV and short statement of motivation.

Best regards,

Pierre Ronceray

Turing Centre for Living Systems & CINAM, Université Aix-Marseille


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