Periodic orbit spectrum in terms of Ruelle–Pollicott resonances

Patricio Leboeuf 1 Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (2004) 026204 Fully chaotic Hamiltonian systems possess an infinite number of classical solutions which are periodic, e.g. a trajectory « p » returns to its initial conditions after some fixed time tau_p. Our aim is to investigate the spectrum tau_1, tau_2, … of periods of the […]

Periodic orbit spectrum in terms of Ruelle–Pollicott resonances Lire la suite »

Optimization and Physics: On the satisfiability of random Boolean formulae

Marc Mézard 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincare Physique Theorique 4 (2004) S475-S488 LECTURE GIVEN AT TH2002. Given a set of Boolean variables, and some constraints between them, is it possible to find a configuration of the variables which satisfies all constraints? This problem, which is at the heart of combinatorial optimization and computational complexity theory, is

Optimization and Physics: On the satisfiability of random Boolean formulae Lire la suite »

On the Asymptotic Number of Plane Curves and Alternating Knots

Gilles Schaeffer 1, Paul Zinn-Justin 2 Experimental Mathematics 13 (2004) 4 We present a conjecture for the power-law exponent in the asymptotic number of types of plane curves as the number of self-intersections goes to infinity. In view of the description of prime alternating links as flype equivalence classes of plane curves, a similar conjecture is made for the

On the Asymptotic Number of Plane Curves and Alternating Knots Lire la suite »

Matrix Integrals and the Generation and Counting of Virtual Tangles and Links

Paul Zinn-Justin 1, Jean-Bernard Zuber 2 Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications 13 (2004) 325-355 Virtual links are generalizations of classical links that can be represented by links embedded in a « thickened » surface $\Sigma\times I$, product of a Riemann surface of genus $h$ with an interval. In this paper, we show that virtual alternating links and tangles are

Matrix Integrals and the Generation and Counting of Virtual Tangles and Links Lire la suite »

Low-dimensional trapped gases

D. Petrov 1, 2, Dimitri M. Gangardt 3, 4, Gora V. Shlyapnikov 1, 2, 3, 4 Journal de Physique IV Colloque 116 (2004) 5-44 Recent developments in the physics of ultracold gases provide wide possibilities for reducing the dimensionality of space for magnetically or optically trapped atoms. The goal of these lectures is to show that regimes of quantum degeneracy in two-dimensional (2D) and one-dimensional (1D) trapped gases

Low-dimensional trapped gases Lire la suite »

Long range disorder and Anderson transition in systems with chiral symmetry

Antonio M. Garcia-Garcia 1, Kazutaka Takahashi 2 Nuclear Physics B 700 (2004) 361 We study the spectral properties of a chiral random banded matrix (chRBM) with elements decaying as a power-law ${{\cal H}_{ij}}\sim |i-j|^{-\alpha}$. This model is equivalent to a chiral 1D Anderson Hamiltonian with long range power-law hopping. In the weak disorder limit we obtain explicit nonperturbative analytical results

Long range disorder and Anderson transition in systems with chiral symmetry Lire la suite »

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