Dynamics of a tracer granular particle as a non-equilibrium Markov process

Andrea Puglisi 1, Paolo Visco 1, 2, Emmanuel Trizac 2, Frederic van Wijland 1, 3 Physical Review E: Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (2006) 021301 The dynamics of a tracer particle in a stationary driven granular gas is investigated. We show how to transform the linear Boltzmann equation describing the dynamics of the tracer into a master equation for a continuous Markov process. […]

Dynamics of a tracer granular particle as a non-equilibrium Markov process Lire la suite »

Dynamics below the depinning threshold

Alejandro B. Kolton 1, Alberto Rosso 2, Thierry Giamarchi 1, Werner Krauth 3 Physical Review Letters 97 (2006) 057001 We study the steady-state low-temperature dynamics of an elastic line in a disordered medium below the depinning threshold. Analogously to the equilibrium dynamics, in the limit T->0, the steady state is dominated by a single configuration which is occupied with probability one. We develop

Dynamics below the depinning threshold Lire la suite »

Dimensional reduction on a sphere

Gunnar Moller 1, Sergey I. Matveenko 2, Stephane Ouvry 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 20 (2006) 3533-3546 The question of the dimensional reduction of two-dimensional (2d) quantum models on a sphere to one-dimensional (1d) models on a circle is adressed. A possible application is to look at a relation between the 2d anyon model and the 1d Calogero-Sutherland model, which

Dimensional reduction on a sphere Lire la suite »

Coulombian Disorder in Periodic Systems

Edmond Orignac 1, Alberto Rosso 2, R. Chitra 3, T. Giamarchi 4 Physical Review B 73 (2006) 035112 We study the effect of unscreened charged impurities on periodic systems. We show that the long wavelength component of the disorder becomes long ranged and dominates static correlation functions. On the other hand, because of the statistical tilt symmetry, dynamical properties such as pinning remain

Coulombian Disorder in Periodic Systems Lire la suite »

Correlation-induced inhomogeneity in circular quantum dots

Amit Ghosal 1, A. D. Guclu 2, C. J. Umrigar 2, Denis Ullmo 1, 3, Harold U. Baranger 1 Nature Physics 2 (2006) 336-340 Physical properties of the « electron gas » — in which conduction electrons interact via Coulomb forces but the ionic potential is neglected — change dramatically depending on the balance between the strength of the kinetic energy and the Coulomb repulsion. The limiting cases

Correlation-induced inhomogeneity in circular quantum dots Lire la suite »

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