Supersymmetric quantum mechanics with Levy disorder in one dimension

Alain Comtet 1, 2, Christophe Texier 2, 3, Yves Tourigny 4 Journal of Statistical Physics 145 (2011) 1291-1323 We consider the Schroedinger equation with a supersymmetric random potential, where the superpotential is a Levy noise. We focus on the problem of computing the so-called complex Lyapunov exponent, whose real and imaginary parts are, respectively, the Lyapunov exponent and the integrated density of states

Supersymmetric quantum mechanics with Levy disorder in one dimension Lire la suite »

Strong-Coupling Theory of Counter-ions at Charged Plates

L. Samaj 1, E. Trizac 2 Physical Review Letters 106 (2011) 078301 We present an analytical approach to the strong coupling regime of similarly and highly charged plates in the presence of counter-ions. The procedure is physically transparent and based on an exact expansion around the ground state formed by the two-dimensional Wigner crystal of counter-ions. The one plate

Strong-Coupling Theory of Counter-ions at Charged Plates Lire la suite »

Strong screening in the plum pudding model

A. D. Chepelianskii 1, F. Closa 2, E. Raphael 2, E. Trizac 3 Europhysics Letters (EPL) 94 (2011) 68010 We study a generalized Thomson problem that appears in several condensed matter settings: identical point-charge particles can penetrate inside a homogeneously charged sphere, with global electro-neutrality. The emphasis is on scaling laws at large Coulombic couplings, and deviations from mean-field behaviour, by a combination

Strong screening in the plum pudding model Lire la suite »

Statistics of noncoding RNAs: alignment and secondary structure prediction

S. K. Nechaev 1, 2, 3, M. V. Tamm 4, O. V. Valba 1, 5 Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (2011) 195001 A new statistical method of alignment of two heteropolymers which can form hierarchical cloverleaf-like secondary structures is proposed. This offers a new constructive algorithm for quantitative determination of binding free energy of two noncoding RNAs with arbitrary primary sequences.

Statistics of noncoding RNAs: alignment and secondary structure prediction Lire la suite »

Statistics of layered zigzags: a two-dimensional generalization of TASEP

Mikhail Tamm 1, Sergei K. Nechaev 2, 3, Satya N. Majumdar 2 Journal of Physics A Mathematical and Theoretical 44 (2011) 012002 A novel discrete growth model in 2+1 dimensions is presented in three equivalent formulations: i) directed motion of zigzags on a cylinder, ii) interacting interlaced TASEP layers, and iii) growing heap over 2D substrate with a restricted minimal local height gradient.

Statistics of layered zigzags: a two-dimensional generalization of TASEP Lire la suite »

Statistical distribution of quantum entanglement for a random bipartite state

Celine Nadal 1, Satya N Majumdar 1, Massimo Vergassola 2 Journal of Statistical Physics 142 (2011) 403-438 We compute analytically the statistics of the Renyi and von Neumann entropies (standard measures of entanglement), for a random pure state in a large bipartite quantum system. The full probability distribution is computed by first mapping the problem to a random matrix model and

Statistical distribution of quantum entanglement for a random bipartite state Lire la suite »

Statistical Curse of the Second Half Rank

Jean Desbois 1, Stephane Ouvry 1, Alexios Polychronakos 2 Journal of statistical mechanics-theory and experiment (2011) P01025 In competitions involving many participants running many races the final rank is determined by the score of each participant, obtained by adding its ranks in each individual race. The ‘Statistical Curse of the Second Half Rank’ is the observation that if the score of

Statistical Curse of the Second Half Rank Lire la suite »

Statics and dynamics of weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladders in a magnetic field

Pierre Bouillot 1, Corinna Kollath 1, 2, Andreas M. Läuchli 3, Mikhail Zvonarev 4, 5, Benedikt Thielemann 6, Christian Rüegg 7, Edmond Orignac 8, Roberta Citro 9, Martin Klanjsek 10, 11, Claude Berthier 11, Mladen Horvatic 11, Thierry Giamarchi 1 Physical Review B 83 (2011) 054407 We investigate weakly coupled spin-1/2 ladders in a magnetic field. The work is motivated by recent experiments on the compound (C5H12N)2CuBr4 (BPCB). We use a combination of numerical and analytical methods, in particular the density matrix

Statics and dynamics of weakly coupled antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 ladders in a magnetic field Lire la suite »

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