Effect of Partial Absorption on Diffusion with Resetting

Justin Whitehouse 1, Martin R. Evans 1, Satya N. Majumdar 2 Physical Review E 87 (2013) 022118 The effect of partial absorption on a diffusive particle which stochastically resets its position with a finite rate $r$ is considered. The particle is absorbed by a target at the origin with absorption ‘velocity’ $a$; as the velocity $a$ approaches $\infty$ the absorption property […]

Effect of Partial Absorption on Diffusion with Resetting Lire la suite »

Edge usage, motifs and regulatory logic for cell cycling genetic networks

M. Zagorski 1, A. Krzywicki 2, O. C. Martin 3, 4 Physical Review E 87 (2013) 012727 The cell cycle is a tightly controlled process, yet its underlying genetic network shows marked differences across species. Which of the associated structural features follow solely from the ability to impose the appropriate gene expression patterns? We tackle this question in silico by examining the

Edge usage, motifs and regulatory logic for cell cycling genetic networks Lire la suite »

Dynamics of a tagged monomer: Effects of elastic pinning and harmonic absorption

Shamik Gupta 1, Alberto Rosso 1, Christophe Texier 1, 2 Physical Review Letters 111 (2013) 210601 We study the dynamics of a tagged monomer of a Rouse polymer for different initial configurations. In the case of free evolution, the monomer displays subdiffusive behavior with strong memory of the initial state. In presence of either elastic pinning or harmonic absorption, we show that

Dynamics of a tagged monomer: Effects of elastic pinning and harmonic absorption Lire la suite »

Dynamical tunneling with ultracold atoms in magnetic microtraps

Martin Lenz1,2, Sebastian Wüster1,3, Christopher J. Vale1,4, Norman R. Heckenberg1, Halina Rubinsztein-Dunlop1, C. A. Holmes1, G. J. Milburn1, and Matthew J. Davis1 Phys. Rev. A 88, 013635 (2013) The study of dynamical tunneling in a periodically driven anharmonic potential probes the quantum-classical transition via the experimental control of the effective Planck’s constant for the system.

Dynamical tunneling with ultracold atoms in magnetic microtraps Lire la suite »

Distribution of the ratio of consecutive level spacings in random matrix ensembles

Y. Y. Atas 1, E. Bogomolny 1, O. Giraud 1, G. Roux 1 Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 084101 We derive expressions for the probability distribution of the ratio of two consecutive level spacings for the classical ensembles of random matrices. This ratio distribution was recently introduced to study spectral properties of many-body problems, as, contrary to the standard level spacing distributions, it

Distribution of the ratio of consecutive level spacings in random matrix ensembles Lire la suite »

Demonstration of Angle Dependent Casimir Force Between Corrugations

A. A. Banishev 1, J. Wagner 1, T. Emig 2, R. Zandi 1, U. Mohideen 1 Physical Review Letters 110 (2013) 250403 The normal Casimir force between a sinusoidally corrugated gold coated plate and a sphere was measured at various angles between the corrugations using an atomic force microscope. A strong dependence on the orientation angle of the corrugation is found. The measured forces were

Demonstration of Angle Dependent Casimir Force Between Corrugations Lire la suite »

De la frustration et du désordre dans les chaînes et les échelles de spins quantiques

Arthur Lavarelo 1 Université Paris Sud – Paris XI (19/07/2013), Guillaume Roux (Dir.) Dans les systèmes de spins quantiques, la frustration et la basse dimensionnalité génèrent des fluctuations quantiques et donnent lieu à des phases exotiques. Cette thèse étudie un modèle d’échelle de spins avec des couplages frustrants le long des montants, motivé par les expériences sur

De la frustration et du désordre dans les chaînes et les échelles de spins quantiques Lire la suite »

Counter-ion density profile around charged cylinders: the strong-coupling needle limit

Emmanuel Trizac 1, Gabriel Tellez 2, Juan Pablo Mallarino 2 Journal of Physical Chemistry B 117, 42 (2013) 12702-12716 Charged rod-like polymers are not able to bind all their neutralizing counter-ions: a fraction of them evaporates while the others are said to be condensed. We study here counter-ion condensation and its ramifications, both numerically by means of Monte Carlo simulations employing

Counter-ion density profile around charged cylinders: the strong-coupling needle limit Lire la suite »

Connectivities of Potts Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters and time-like Liouville correlator

Marco Picco 1, Raoul Santachiara 2, Jacopo Viti 3, Gesualdo Delfino 4 Nuclear Physics B 875, 3 (2013) 719 Recently, two of us argued that the probability that an FK cluster in the Q-state Potts model connects three given points is related to the time-like Liouville three-point correlation function. Moreover, they predicted that the FK three-point connectivity has a prefactor which unveils the

Connectivities of Potts Fortuin-Kasteleyn clusters and time-like Liouville correlator Lire la suite »

Conformal Field Theory of Critical Casimir Interactions in 2D

G. Bimonte 1, T. Emig 2, M. Kardar 3 Europhysics Letters 104 (2013) 21001 Thermal fluctuations of a critical system induce long-ranged Casimir forces between objects that couple to the underlying field. For two dimensional (2D) conformal field theories (CFT) we derive an exact result for the Casimir interaction between two objects of arbitrary shape, in terms of (1) the free

Conformal Field Theory of Critical Casimir Interactions in 2D Lire la suite »

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