Probability distribution of the entanglement across a cut at an infinite-randomness fixed point

Trithep Devakul 1 Satya N. Majumdar 2 David A. Huse 1 Physical Review B : Condensed matter and materials physics, American Physical Society, 2017, 95 (10), pp.104204 We calculate the probability distribution of entanglement entropy S across a cut of a finite one dimensional spin chain of length L at an infinite randomness fixed point

Probability distribution of the entanglement across a cut at an infinite-randomness fixed point Lire la suite »

Precursor of the Laughlin state of hard-core bosons on a two-leg ladder

Alexandru Petrescu 1 Marie Piraud 2 Guillaume Roux 3 I. P. Mcculloch 4 Karyn Le Hur 5 Physical Review B : Condensed matter and materials physics, American Physical Society, 2017, 96 (1), pp.014524. 〈10.1103/PhysRevB.96.014524〉 1. EE – Department of Electrical Engineering [Princeton] 2. Department of Physics and Arnold Sommerfeld Center for Theoretical Physics 3. LPTMS

Precursor of the Laughlin state of hard-core bosons on a two-leg ladder Lire la suite »

Pickands’ constant at first order in an expansion around Brownian motion

Mathieu Delorme 1 Alberto Rosso 2 Kay Jörg Wiese 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, IOP Publishing, 2017, 50, pp.16LT04 In the theory of extreme values of Gaussian processes, many results are expressed in terms of the Pickands constant $\mathcal{H}_{\alpha}$. This constant depends on the local self-similarity exponent $\alpha$ of the process, i.e.

Pickands’ constant at first order in an expansion around Brownian motion Lire la suite »

Phase diagram of the hexagonal lattice quantum dimer model: Order parameters, ground-state energy, and gaps

Thiago M. SchlittlerRémy Mosseri 1 Thomas Barthel 2, 3 Thiago Schlittler 1 Physical Review B : Condensed matter and materials physics, American Physical Society, 2017, 96 (19), 〈10.1103/PhysRevB.96.195142〉 The phase diagram of the quantum dimer model on the hexagonal (honeycomb) lattice is computed numerically, extending on earlier work by Moessner, Sondhi, and Chandra. The different

Phase diagram of the hexagonal lattice quantum dimer model: Order parameters, ground-state energy, and gaps Lire la suite »

Periodic Airy process and equilibrium dynamics of edge fermions in a trap

Pierre Le Doussal 1 Satya N. Majumdar 2 Gregory Schehr 2 Annals of Physics, 2017, 383, pp.312 – 345 We establish an exact mapping between (i) the equilibrium (imaginary time) dynamics of non-interacting fermions trapped in a harmonic potential at temperature $T=1/\beta$ and (ii) non-intersecting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) particles constrained to return to their initial positions

Periodic Airy process and equilibrium dynamics of edge fermions in a trap Lire la suite »

Pedestrian flows through a narrow doorway: Effect of individual behaviours on the global flow and microscopic dynamics

Alexandre Nicolas 1, 2 Sebastián Bouzat 2 Marcelo Kuperman 3, 2 Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Elsevier, 2017 We study the dynamics of pedestrian evacuations through a narrow doorway by means of controlled experiments. The influence of the pedestrians’ behaviours is investigated by prescribing a selfish attitude to a fraction c_s of the participants, while

Pedestrian flows through a narrow doorway: Effect of individual behaviours on the global flow and microscopic dynamics Lire la suite »

Nonlinear mechanical response of supercooled melts under applied forces

Heliana Cárdenas 1 Fabian Frahsa 2 Sebastian Fritschi 2 Alexandre Nicolas 3 Simon Papenkort 1 Thomas Voigtmann 1, 4 Matthias Fuchs 2 European Physical Journal – Special Topics, EDP Sciences, 2017, 226 (14), pp.3039 – 3060. 〈10.1140/epjst/e2017-70079-3〉 1. Institut für Materialphysik im Weltraum 2. Fachbereich Physik [Konstanz] 3. LPTMS – Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et

Nonlinear mechanical response of supercooled melts under applied forces Lire la suite »

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