20th December 2021 : Postdoc position in theoretical Biological Physics at the University of Haifa

Dear Colleagues,

I am currently looking for a 2-year postdoc interested in theoretical
aspects of living cells. The topic is the close connection between
action potentials and nonlinear compression waves that cause a
reversible phase transition in the medium (e.g., a lipid membrane).

The candidate should have a PhD in either physics, engineering, or a
closely related field. Experience with continuum mechanics modeling is
an advantage.
Potential candidates should contact me by email: mmussel@sci.haifa.ac.il
. Please send your CV, list of
publications, and the names and email addresses of at least two references.

Thank you and best wishes,
Matan Mussel

Department of Physics
University of Haifa
Homepage: https://matanmus.github.io/

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