20th March 2019 : Postdoctoral and PhD positions in Quantum Thermodynamics of Ultracold Atoms, University of Queensland, Australia

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Subject: Postdoctoral and PhD positions in Quantum Thermodynamics
of Ultracold Atoms, University of Queensland, Australia
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2019 01:53:01 +0000
From: Karen Kheruntsyan <karen.kheruntsyan@uq.edu.au>
To: Karen Kheruntsyan <karen.kheruntsyan@uq.edu.au>,
Ian McCulloch <ianmcc@physics.uq.edu.au>

Dear colleagues,

We would appreciate if you would circulate this
email to potential applicants.

Best regards,

Karen Kheruntsyan and Ian McCulloch


Postdoctoral and PhD positions in Quantum

of Ultracold Atoms, University of Queensland,


href= »http://jobs.uq.edu.au/caw/en/job/507054/postdoctoral-research-fellow »
class= » » moz-do-not-send= »true »>http://jobs.uq.edu.au/caw/en/job/507054/postdoctoral-research-fellow 

We have one Postdoctoral Fellowship and one PhD
position available in the group of Prof Karen Kheruntsyan
and Dr Ian McCulloch, to work on the Australian Research
Council-funded project « Quantum thermodynamics of ultracold
atoms” at the University of Queensland in Brisbane,
Australia.  This will involve the development of theoretical
and computational many-body methods for characterising and
simulating the nonequilibrium dynamics of ultracold quantum
gases using a combination of methods including tensor
networks, t-DMRG, continuous MPS, hydrodynamic approaches,
and c-field techniques.

The postdoc position is a full-time, fixed term
(2 years) appointment at Academic Research level A. All
applicants must supply the following documents: Cover
letter, Resume and Selection Criteria responses. For further
information, including contact details, position
description, and access to the online submission form please
follow this link:

href= »http://jobs.uq.edu.au/caw/en/job/507054/postdoctoral-research-fellow »
class= » » moz-do-not-send= »true »>http://jobs.uq.edu.au/caw/en/job/507054/postdoctoral-research-fellow 

Applications closing date: 26 April 2016.

The PhD position is for 3 years and will remain
open until filled. Applicants should contact Karen
Kheruntsyan < class= » » moz-do-not-send= »true »>karen.kheruntsyan@uq.edu.au>
or Ian McCulloch < href= »mailto:ianmcc@physics.uq.edu.au » class= » »
moz-do-not-send= »true »>ianmcc@physics.uq.edu.au>
for further details.

Kind regards,

Karen Kheruntsyan and Ian McCulloch

Professor of Theoretical Physics

School of Mathematics and Physics

The University of Queensland

Brisbane QLD 4072


Phone: +61 – (0)7 – 33653420

Mobile: 0404753449

Fax:   +61 – (0)7 – 33651242

moz-do-not-send= »true »>E-mail: karen.kheruntsyan@uq.edu.au class= » »>
URL:  class= » » moz-do-not-send= »true »>https://people.smp.uq.edu.au/KarenKheruntsyan

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