*Elizabeth Gardner Fellowship at University of Edinburgh, UK*
Four-year postdoctoral Fellowship aimed at under represented groups
(e.g. gender, minority ethnicity, disability, disadvantaged
circumstances, etc.). Possible research areas include Statistical Physics.
Further details at
Application deadline: 14th February 2022
From Martin Evans
*Post-doc in Statistical Physics and applications to Quantum Computation
at LPTHE, Sorbonne Université, Paris*
The research will be carried out under the joint supervision of L.
Cugliandolo & M. Picco (LPTHE) and L. Faoro & L. Ioffe (LPTHE & Google
Quantum, Santa Barbara). The (ANR) fellowship will cover two years with
a possible extension to a third year in Santa Barbara.
Please send CV, publication list, and names and contact information of
at least three scientists who could provide a detailed reference letter,
to leticia@lpthe.jussieu.fr and lara.faoro@gmail.com
From Leticia Cugliandolo
*4 PDRA positions at Oxford / Dundee / UCL, UK*
TOPIC: Early-stage embryo as an active self-tuning soft material
(relevant to experimentalists and theorists interested in biophysics or
active matter)
DETAILS: We seek to hire four postdoctoral research associates (PDRAs)
to work on an interdisciplinary collaborative project between the
University of Dundee, the University of Oxford, and UCL. The aim of the
project is to understand the interplay between tissue-scale mechanical
forces, cell differentiation, and cell behaviours during gastrulation.
Interested applicants are invited to contact the relevant PIs regarding
each of the positions below.
PDRA 1 will be based at the University of Dundee in the group of Prof
Weijer. They will image cell and tissue dynamics during gastrulation in
chick embryos using light sheet microscopy, as well as perform the
large-scale data analysis. Informal enquiries should be sent to: Prof
Cornelis J. Weijer (c.j.weijer@dundee.ac.uk)
PDRA 2 will be based at the University of Oxford in the group of Prof
Yeomans. They will develop continuum modelling and theoretical
approaches for chick gastrulation and advance our understanding of the
relevance of active matter physics in biological contexts. Informal
enquiries should be sent to: Prof Julia Yeomans
(julia.yeomans@physics.ox.ac.uk) More details at
Closing date Feb 8th
PDRA 3 will be based at the University of Dundee in the group of Dr
Sknepnek. They will work on computational models to bridge between cell
and tissue scales. Informal enquiries should be sent to: Dr Rastko
Sknepnek (r.sknepnek@dundee.ac.uk)
PDRA 4 will be based at the UCL in the group of Prof Charras. They will
characterise mechanics and feedback in developing tissues. Informal
enquiries should be sent to Prof Guillaume Charras (g.charras@ucl.ac.uk)
From Julia Yeomans
*Several postdoc positions in Barcelona, Spain*
The Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM) offers 4 junior postdoctoral
positions and 5 senior postdoctoral positions funded by the María de
Maeztu Unit of Excellence Award (2020)
Junior postdoctoral positions: 2 in the area of Applied Mathematics,
which include applications in Mathematical Biology, Neuroscience and
Climate Science. 1 in the area of Algebra, Geometry, Number Theory and
Topology. 1 in the area of Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and
Dynamical Systems. https://www.crm.cat/junior-postdoctoral-positions-at-crm/
Senior postdoctoral positions: 2 in the area of Applied Mathematics,
which include applications to 1 in the area of Algebra, Geometry, Number
Theory and Topology. 1 in the area of Analysis, Partial Differential
Equations and Dynamical Systems. 1 in the area of Combinatorics and
Theoretical Computer Science.
Please browse the CRM website for details on the Research Areas and the
faculty as well as their publications and current projects. It is
advisable for you to contact your possible postdoc mentor(s) to discuss
the possible topic/project.
SHORTLISTED CANDIDATES: will be contacted by 20th March 2022
INTERVIEWS: 1st – 2nd week of April 2022
For more information, please contact rrhhMdM2020@crm.cat
From Jordi Baró i Urbea
*Postdoctoral fellowship, soft matter, biophysics, at Niels Bohr
Institute, Denmark*
We invite applications for a postdoctoral fellowship. The research
activity includes applications and the development of multiscale
computer simulations to explore shape remodeling of biological
membranes. The candidate should have a background in physics, chemistry,
or related fields, with a good knowledge of molecular dynamics
simulations and some experience with computer programming.
From Weria Pezeshkian