21st September 2019 : Postdoctoral Position, Theory and Simulation, University of Pittsburgh

Dear All:
Please find below an advertisement for a postdoctoral position at the
University of Pittsburgh:
Looking for a postdoctoral researcher with a background in theory and
simulation to carry out analytical and computational studies on the
behavior of complex fluids and polymeric materials. In particular, the
focus of the research group encompasses modeling the following
phenomena: flow of multi-phase fluids in confined geometries,
bio-inspired materials, self-propelled soft materials, chemo-mechanical
behavior of polymeric gels and nanocomposites, mechano-mutable
materials, structurally tailored gels, programmable materials, active
and adaptive materials, interactions between simple cellular objects,
and self-healing materials. The candidate must have a background in
theory and simulation, and knowledge of either statistical mechanics,
fluid dynamics, mechanics of solids or polymer physics is highly
desirable.  Position is available immediately. Please send resume to
Prof. Anna C. Balazs, Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Department,
4420 Bayard Street, 313 Schenley Place, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Prefer to receive information by e-mail. E-mail
address is: _balazs@pitt.edu_
Best regards,
Dr. Anna Balazs
Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering
John A. Swanson Endowed Chair in Engineering
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213
E-mail: _balazs@pitt.edu_
Phone: 412-648-9250
Fax:    412-624-9639

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