25th August 2021 : 2 post-doc positions – physics & mechanics of active systems – Collège de France, Paris

Dear Colleagues,

I would be grateful if you could forward to potentially interested
candidates these two post-doc positions available in my team in Paris.

*1 – Active phase transitions in the cell nucleus – 12 months renewable
– from mid-Sept 2021*
PhD in (theoretical) physics recommended.
Direct application: 1 CV, 2 recommendation letters and short letter of

*2 – Active surfaces & finite element models of embryo & tissue dynamics
– 24 months renewable **ERC funded** – from October 2021 *
PhD in mechanical engineering, applied mathematics or computer science
Portal for application: https://bit.ly/3BaYpx8

More details attached on each position.
Lab website: https://www.turlierlab.com

Best wishes,
Hervé Turlier

See Attachement : Post-doc_MechanicsOfCells&Tissues.pdf

See Attachement : Post-doc_Condensates.pdf

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