26th December 2022 : Postdoc position in theoretical soft matter physics at Tel Aviv University

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We invite applications for a post-doc fellowship at Tel Aviv University.
The fellowship will be carried out under the joint supervision of Prof.
David Andelman (Physics) and Prof. Haim Diamant (Chemistry).

The research topic will be in the general field of soft matter theory.
Tel Aviv University has an active and collaborative community of
soft-matter and biophysical research, under the Center for the Physics
and Chemistry of Living Systems (https://www.biosoft.sites.tau.ac.il).
The fellowship will be for one year with an option to renew it for a
second year.

The candidate should have a PhD in theoretical condensed matter physics
or closely related fields. A strong background in statistical physics is
of advantage.

Please send your CV, list of publications, and names and contact
information of at least three scientists who can provide a detailed
reference letter. The material should be sent by email to:

Best wishes,

David Andelman
Haim Diamant

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