*PONTE post-doc fellowships in Theoretical Quantitative Biology, 2022 call*
*Gulbenkian Institute of **Science** (IGC)*
*Lisbon, Portugal*
The Gulbenkian Institute of Science (IGC) encourages theoretical
physicists, mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers with an
interest in bridging their discipline with biology to apply for the
recently established PONTE postdoctoral program in Theoretical
Quantitative Biology. PONTE fellows will work independently, by
developing projects in collaboration with members of one or multiple IGC
research groups. The PONTE program is aimed at junior post-docs who will
be funded for an initial period of two years, with possibility of a
third-year extension upon positive evaluation. The fellowship provides,
besides salary and social benefits, funding for: computer equipment,
moving costs, traveling, inviting visitors. Start date is flexible. More
information can be found at
*Pablo Sartori*, PhD
Coordinator of PONTE Fellowships Programme
Principal Investigator of Living Physics Lab
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência
Rua da Quinta Grande, 6
2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal
Contact: +351 214 407 900
See Attachement : Attached Message Part