Dear colleagues,
We are searching for a tenure track assistant professor in Biophysics at
Johns Hopkins University (see attached ad). We are searching for
applicants in all areas of molecular, cellular, and computational
biophysics – we are thinking of biophysics in a broad sense. Please pass
this along to potentially interested candidates! We are particularly
interested in candidates with a demonstrated commitment to diversity and
inclusion. The job ad can be found here: . A
complete description of how to prepare the application documents and
additional information on our search, including the rubrics we are going
to use, can be found on our website: . Applications
should be submitted before October 20 for primary consideration,
although we’ll continue to review applications beyond that date until
the position is filled.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the search!
Brian Camley
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Department of Biophysics
Johns Hopkins University
See Attachement : BiophysicsFacultyPosition_JohnsHopkins.pdf