À: « info statphys » <info.statphys@listes.ens-lyon.fr>
Envoyé: Jeudi 29 Novembre 2018 18:08:01
Objet: [info.statphys] Postdoctoral Fellow in Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research
The Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research (CNetS.indiana.edu) has one open postdoctoral position to study critical processes in networks of networks. The appointment starts in February 2019 for one year and is renewable for another year, subject to funding and performance. The salary is competitive and benefits are generous.
The postdoc will join a dynamic and interdisciplinary team that includes computer, physical, and cognitive scientists. The postdoc will work with Prof. Filippo Radicchi (homes.soic.indiana.edu/filiradi/).
Basic Qualifications
For best consideration apply by December 31, 2018 at
Interested applicants should upload a letter of interest, a CV and names and email addresses for three professional references using this application portal. Ideal start date for position: February 15, 2019
Contact Information
Filippo Radicchi at filiradi@indiana.edu
E-mail: filiradi@indiana.edu
Home page: http://homes.soic.indiana.edu/filiradi/
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