3rd September 2020 : Postdoc position in Israel

De: « Baruch Meerson » <meerson@mail.huji.ac.il>
Envoyé: Jeudi 3 Septembre 2020 10:09:13
Objet: a postdoc position in Israel
Dear friends,

I apologize for an impersonal character of this
message. I am writing to advertise a postdoctoral position in Israel, funded by the Azrieli
Foundation.  I attach a copy of the advertisement which contains
more details of the position and how to apply.   I am presently
looking for a good postdoc myself, and I’ll greatly appreciate it
if you can share this advertisement with potential candidates.

Best regards,


Baruch Meerson
Louis and Ida Shlansky Chair of Physics
Racah Institute of Physics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem 91904 Israel

See Attachement : Call for Applications Hebrew University.docx

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