> Dear all,
> The Physics of Life Excellence Cluster in Dresden has two new Tenure
> Track positions to W2 Professor (equivalent to Assistant Professor;
> see attached information for details) on the following topics:
> *- **/Physical Measurement and Manipulation of Living Systems/*
> *- **/Robustness and Decision Making in Cells and Tissues/***
> These positions are the equivalent to an Assistant Professor position
> in the US, but with generous core funding and little teaching. They
> are a unique opportunity for young scientists who want to focus on
> research and build their independent group in an interdisciplinary and
> collaborative environment. As you probably know, Dresden has an
> extraordinary scientific environment for Biological Physics and
> Quantitative Biology, so if you have any outstanding postdocs looking
> for jobs, I would really appreciate if you can let them know about
> this opportunity.
> Thank you very much for you help, and I apologize in advance if you
> got this information multiple times.
> Sincerely,
> Otger Campas
> —
> Otger Campàs
> Managing Director (Speaker) – Physics of Life Excellence Cluster
> Professor & Chair of Tissue Dynamics, Physics of Life Excellence
> Cluster, TU Dresden
> Fellow, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics
See Attachement : 2022-04-open_call_tenure_track_position-robustness-decision-making-cells-tissues.pdf
See Attachement : 2022-04-open_call_tenure_track_position-physical-measurement-manipulation-living-systems.pdf