Vicente Garzó 1 Nagi Khalil 2 Emmanuel Trizac 3
European Physical Journal E, EDP Sciences: EPJ, 2015, 38, pp.16
A mixture of dissipative hard grains generically exhibits a breakdown of kinetic energy equipartition. The undriven and thus freely cooling binary problem, in the tracer limit where the density of one species becomes minute, may exhibit an extreme form of this breakdown, with the minority species carrying a finite fraction of the total kinetic energy of the system. We investigate the fingerprint of this non-equilibrium phase transition, akin to an ordering process, on transport properties. The analysis, performed by solving the Boltzmann kinetic equation from a combination of analytical and Monte Carlo techniques, hints at the possible failure of hydrodynamics in the ordered region. As a relevant byproduct of the study, the behaviour of the second and fourth-degree velocity moments is also worked out.
- 1. Departamento de Fisica
- 2. Universidad de Sevilla [Seville]
- 3. LPTMS – Laboratoire de Physique Théorique et Modèles Statistiques