Nom de l’auteur/autrice :olivier.giraud

Caractériser le rayonnement d’un trou noir acoustique dans un condensat de Bose Einstein

Des physiciens viennent de montrer que les techniques expérimentales actuelles devraient permettre de détecter et de caractériser la signature quantique du rayonnement émis par l’horizon d’un trou noir acoustique réalisé dans l’écoulement unidimensionnel d’un condensat de Bose Einstein. L’une des prédictions les plus marquantes du physicien théoricien Stephen Hawking est que les trous noirs gravitationnels […]

Caractériser le rayonnement d’un trou noir acoustique dans un condensat de Bose Einstein Lire la suite »

The universality of the Tracy-Widom distribution could originate from a phase transition

Physicists from our lab have recently proposed a mechanism explaining the emergence of the Tracy-Widom distribution in a wide variety of problems in physics and mathematics. They showed that this distribution is associated to the critical behavior of a system of interacting particles, in the vicinity of a third order phase transition. The universality of

The universality of the Tracy-Widom distribution could originate from a phase transition Lire la suite »

The fate of quantum wavefunction multifractality under perturbation

Ref. : R. Dubertrand, I. García-Mata, B. Georgeot, O. Giraud, G. Lemarié, and J. Martin, Two scenarios for quantum multifractality breakdown, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 234101 (2014). The concept of fractal geometry was introduced by Mandelbrot in the seventies, to describe a range of phenomena characterized by the fact that a certain quantity has a

The fate of quantum wavefunction multifractality under perturbation Lire la suite »

Evolution of a complex electronic system to an ordered hidden state: optical quench in TaS2 – theory versus experiment

Contact: S. Brazovskii, Femto-second optical techniques addressing pump-induced phase transitions (PIPT) put an ambitious goal to reach “hidden” states of matter – those which are not accessible and not known under equilibrium conditions or more conventional treatments. While there was a case of success in magnetic materials, there has been no success yet

Evolution of a complex electronic system to an ordered hidden state: optical quench in TaS2 – theory versus experiment Lire la suite »

New solutions to the Boltzmann equation

D. Guéry-Odelin, J. G. Muga, M.J. Ruiz- Montero and E. Trizac, Exact non-equilibrium solutions of the Boltzmann equation under a time-dependent external force, Physical Review Letters 112, 180602 (2014) In 1872, Boltzmann established a key bridge between microscopic dynamics and macroscopic irreversibility, through the H theorem: a dilute gas thereby evolves towards equilibrium, where it

New solutions to the Boltzmann equation Lire la suite »

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