
Why does Nature use exactly four letters to encode genetic information?

Genetic information in all life cells is kept within the primary sequences of DNA and RNA molecules. Both of them are heteropolymers consisting of four different nucleotide types. The question « why nature uses exactly four letters to encode genetic information » was discussed since the role of DNA and RNA in storing and transmission of genetic

Why does Nature use exactly four letters to encode genetic information? Lire la suite »

Superfluid Motion of Light

Un supraconducteur est un matériau sans résistance électrique ; un superfluide exprime l’absence de viscosité d’un fluide neutre. Ces deux propriétés, fortement reliées, figurent parmi les manifestations les plus spectaculaires de la nature quantique de la matière. Elles ont déjà été observées expérimentalement dans plusieurs systèmes, comme par exemple le mercure (pour la première fois

Superfluid Motion of Light Lire la suite »

Phase Transitions in the Distribution of Bipartite Entanglement of a Random Pure State

Entanglement is a very fundamental and amazing feature of quantum theory. It measures non-classical non-local correlations between different parts of a quantum system. If the quantum system is in a highly entangled state, measuring an observable on a part of the system can strongly and instantaneously affect the state of another part of the system,

Phase Transitions in the Distribution of Bipartite Entanglement of a Random Pure State Lire la suite »

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