1. “Regimes of quantum degeneracy in trapped 1D gases”
Talk at the International workshop on quantum gases and liquids
Leiden, The Netherlands, April 22 – June 9, 2000
2. “Tunable interaction in quasi-2D gases”
Seminar at MPI Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany, February 7, 2001
3. “Interparticle interaction in quasi-2D gases and prospects for BCS transition”
Talk at the International workshop “Theory of quantum gases and quantum decoherence”
Salerno, Italy, June 3-5, 2001
4. “Quantum degeneracy in low-dimensional trapped gases”
Talk at the International workshop on Laser Physics
Moscow, Russia, July 3-7, 2001
5. “Quasicondensates in low-dimensional trapped gases”
Talk at the International conference on Laser physics
Bratislava, Slovakia, July 1-5, 2002
6. “Atomic collisions in tightly confined ultra-cold gases”
Talk at the 3rd International Chernogolovka Workshop on Low Temperature Physics in Microgravity Environment
Chernogolovka, Russia, August 12-18, 2002
7. “Three-body problem in Fermi gases with short-range interparticle interaction”
Talk at the 7th workshop on Atom Optics and Interferometry
Lunteren, the Netherlands, September 28 – October 02, 2002
8. “Quantum degeneracy in quasi-2D trapped gases”
Seminar at ETH, Zurich
Zurich, Switzerland, May 12, 2003
9. “Dimer-dimer interaction in a two-component Fermi gas”
Seminar at ENS, Paris
Paris, France, July 2003
10. “Three- and four-body problems for fermions. Links to the BCS-BEC cross-over”
Talk at the 12th International Laser Physics Workshop
Hamburg, Germany, August 25-29, 2003
11. “Superfluid pairing and BEC transition in Fermi gases”
Talk at the EuroConference on New Trends in Physics of Quantum Gases (BEC 2003)
San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September 13-18, 2003
12. “Strongly interacting two-component Fermi gas”
Seminar at LPTMS, Orsay
Orsay, France, September 23, 2003
13. “Three-body problem near a narrow Feshbach resonance”
Talk at the Conference on Frontiers of Quantum Gases
Santa-Barbara, California, U.S.A., May 10-14, 2004
14. “Interparticle interaction in quasi-2D gases and prospects for BCS transition”
Talk at ITAMP Workshop on Quantum Degenerate Gases in Low-Dimensionality
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., October 4-6, 2004
15. “Three-boson problem near a narrow Feshbach resonance”
Seminar at the University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Massachusetts, U.S.A., December 2, 2004
16. “Diatomic molecules in ultracold Fermi gases – Novel composite bosons”
Colloquium at the Penn State University
State College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., January 28, 2005
17. “Scattering properties of weakly bound dimers of fermionic atoms”
Talk at the ITAMP-UConn Open House
Storrs, Connecticut, U.S.A., February 5, 2005
18. “Diatomic molecules in ultracold Fermi gases – Novel composite bosons”
Colloquium at the University of Texas
Austin, Texas, U.S.A., February 11, 2005
19. “Scattering properties of weakly bound dimers”
Seminar at the Center for Ultracold Atoms, MIT
Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A., February 22, 2005
20. “Scattering properties of weakly bound dimers of fermionic atoms”
Talk at 2005 APS March Meeting
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A, March 21-25, 2005
21. “Three-boson problem near a narrow Feshbach resonance”
Talk at Workshop on Strongly Interacting Quantum Gases
Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., April 18-21, 2005
22. “Weakly bound dimers of fermionic atoms”
Seminar at LPTMS
Orsay, France, April 29, 2005
23. “Weakly bound dimers of fermionic atoms”
Seminar at ETH
Zurich, Switzerland, May 23, 2005
24. “Dimers of fermionic atoms”
Seminar at Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio, November 29, 2005
25. “Weakly bound dimers of fermionic atoms”
Seminar at LMU Munich
Munich, Germany, January 11, 2006
26. “Crystal of weakly bound dimers”
Talk at the 15th International Laser Physics Workshop
Lausanne, Switzerland, July 24-28, 2006
27. “Crystal of weakly bound dimers”
Colloquium at University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, December 19, 2006
28. “The physics of Feshbach resonances”
Seminar at KITP Program on Strongly Correlated Phases in Condensed Matter and Degenerate Atomic Systems
Santa-Barbara, California, U.S.A., February 8, 2007
29. “Few-body physics”
Lecture at the workshop on Quantum Gases
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, May 2007
30. “Crystalline phase of strongly interacting Fermi mixtures”
Talk at Conference on Recent Progress in the Studies of Quantum Gases
Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, June 2007
31. “Scattering theory, three-body problem, weakly bound dimers”
PhD lecture course “Ultracold quantum gases” at UPC
Barcelona, Spain, June 9-14, 2008
32. Weakly bound heteronuclear dimers
Talk at the 17th International Laser Physics Workshop
June 30 – July 04, 2008, Trondheim, Norway.
33. “Weakly bound heteronuclear dimers”
Seminar at JILA/University of Colorado
Boulder, Colorado, August 13, 2008
34. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Seminar at the University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia, November 21, 2008
35. “Weakly bound heteronuclear dimers”
Talk at the workshop “Quantum Optics beyond Bells”
Lorne, Australia, November 27, 2008
36. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Seminar at the University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand, December 02, 2008
37. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Seminar at the University of Aarhus
Aarhus, Denmark, December 11, 2008
38. “Collisional properties of heteronuclear mixtures with resonant interspecies interaction”
Talk at the Conference on Research Frontiers in Ultra-Cold Atoms
Trieste, Italy, May 7, 2009
39. “Collisional properties of heteronuclear mixtures with resonant interspecies interaction”
Talk at the FerMix meeting (Fermionic Mixtures of Ultra-Cold Atoms: Pairing, Superfluidity, and Quantum phases)
Trento, Italy, June 3, 2009
40. Atom-dimer scattering and trimer states in fermionic mixtures
Colloquium at University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 08, 2009.
41. Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases
Talk at the 18th International Laser Physics Workshop
Barcelona, Spain, July 13, 2009.
42. “Atom-dimer scattering and long-lived trimers in fermionic mixtures”
Talk at the conference BEC2009, Frontiers in Quantum Gases
San Feliu de Guixols, Spain, September 10, 2009
43. “New trends in quantum gases”
Colloquium at the University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, September 15, 2009
44. “Weakly bound heteronuclear dimers”
Talk at the workshop “Efimov States in Molecules and Nuclei: Theoretical Methods and New Experiments”
Rome, Italy, October 20, 2009
45. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Atoms, Molecules and Quanta Kolloquium
Heidelberg, Germany, January 27, 2010
46. “Few-body problem”
Course of lectures at the Les Houches summer school on “Many-body physics with ultra-cold gases”
Les Houches, France, July 2010
47. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Talk at the international seminar “Advances in theory of quantum and non-linear low-dimensional systems”
Kharkov, Ukraine, September 6-8, 2010
48. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Talk at the workshop “Dynamics of quantum gases in one dimension”
Orsay, France, September 28-29, 2010
49. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Talk at the conference “Research Frontiers in Ultra-Cold Atomic and Molecular Gases”
Goa, India, January 10-14, 2011
50. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Seminar the Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute
Moscow, Russia, January 27, 2011
51. “Parametric excitation of a 1D gas in integrable and non-integrable cases”
Talk at the 474-th WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Strong Interactions: From Methods to Structures
Bad Honnef, Germany, February 12-16, 2011
52. “Heteronuclear few-body problem”
Talk at the IFRAF-Fermix Meeting
Paris, France, April 13-15, 2011
53. “Controlling integrability in a quasi-1D atom-dimer mixture”
Talk at the workshop “Repulsive Fermi gases and related topics”
Waldrast monastery, Innsbruck, Austia, February 29 – March 2, 2012
54. “Controlling integrability in a quasi-1D atom-dimer mixture”
Talk at the Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire
Metz, France, July 3 – 6, 2012
55. “Probing atom-dimer interactions in a heteronuclear Fermi-Fermi mixture”
Talk at the international workshop – Frontiers of ultracold quantum gases
Paris, France, November 26, 2012
56. “The few-atom problem”
Lecture course at LENS
Florence, December 11-17, 2012
56. “Heteronuclear molecules in ultracold atomic gases”
Seminar of the series “Condensed Matter Physics” at the RRC “Kurchatov Institute”
Moscow, Russia, January 15, 2013
57. “Atom-dimer interaction in fermionic mixtures”
Talk at the conference “Few-body Physics in Cold Atomic Gases”
Beijing, China, April 11-14, 2013
58. “Multi-body interacting bosons”
Talk at the workshop “Few-body Universality in Atomic and Nuclear Physics: Recent Experimental and Theoretical Advances”
Seattle, USA, April 27 – May 16, 2014
59. “Multi-body interacting bosons”
Talk at the Colloque commun de la division de Physique Atomique et Moléculaire et Optique de la SFP et des Journées de Spectroscopie Moléculaire
Reims, France, July 7-8, 2014
60. “Multi-body interacting bosons”
Talk at the mini-workshop “The Few and the Many in Ultracold Physics”
Orsay, November 5, 2014
61. “Multi-body interacting bosons”
Seminar at MPQ
Garching, Germany, November 25, 2014
62. “Multi-body interacting bosons”
Seminar at INLN
Valbonne, France, February 17, 2015
63. “Multi-body interacting bosons”
Seminar at LENS
Florence, Italy, February 24, 2015
64. “Degenerate gases”
Les Houches pre-doc school – Exploring new quantum gases. Course of 4 lectures.
Les Houches, France, September 2015
65. “Beyond mean-field effects in a cold gas: multibody interactions and quantum droplets”
Seminar at LKB ENS
Paris, France, February 17, 2016
66. “Beyond mean-field effects in a cold gas: multibody interactions and quantum droplets”
Talk at the 614. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar “Few-body Physics: Advances and Prospects in Theory and Experiment”
Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, April 18 – 20, 2016
67. “Beyond mean-field effects in a cold gas: multibody interactions and quantum droplets”
Talk at the 25th International Laser Physics Workshop
Yerevan, Armenia, July 11-15, 2016
68. “Beyond mean-field effects in a cold gas: multibody interactions and quantum droplets”
Talk at the 34th SFB meeting
Innsbruck, Austria, October 6-7, 2016
69. “Five-body Efimov effect and universal pentamer in fermionic mixtures”
Seminar at the KITP program “Universality in Few-Body Systems”
Santa Barbara, USA, November 7 – December 16, 2016
70. “Five-body Efimov effect and universal pentamer in fermionic mixtures”
Talk at the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI Workshop “From few to many: Exploring quantum systems one atom at a time”
Obergurgl, Austria, April 11-13, 2017
71. “Beyond-mean-field effects in cold gases with short- and long-range interactions”
Talk at the annual workshop of the Research Unit 2247 of the DFG and the FWF “From few to many-body physics with dipolar quantum gases”
Stuttgart, Germany, June 29-30, 2017
72. “Five-body Efimov effect and universal pentamer in fermionic mixtures”
Talk at the 26th International Laser Physics Workshop
Kazan, Russia, July 17-21, 2017
73. “Quantum Droplets of Ultracold Bosons”
Talk at the workshop “Bridging ab-initio and energy-density-functional theories”
Orsay, October 2-6, 2017
74. “Few- and many-body effects in a driven mixture”
Talk at the workshop “Critical Stability of Quantum Few-Body Systems”
Dresden, October 16-20, 2017
75. “Mesoscopic few-body problem with short-range interactions”
LKB seminar
Paris, November 22, 2017
76. “Two- and three-body problem with Floquet-driven zero-range interactions”
Talk at the “Croucher Conference in Frontiers of Cold Atom Physics”
Hong Kong, December 5-8, 2017
77. “Mesoscopic few-body problem with short-range interactions”
Talk at the workshop “Hadrons and Nuclear Physics meet Ultracold Atoms: a French-Japanese workshop”
Paris, February 2, 2018
78. “The few-atom problem” and “Beyond mean-field effects in a cold gas: multibody interactions and quantum droplets”
Two leactures given at the international workshop on “Quantum few-to many-body physics in ultracold atoms”
Wuhan, China, April 9 – 13, 2018
79. “Beyond mean-field effects in a cold gas: multibody interactions and quantum droplets”
Talk at J’Doc 2018
Paris, France, June 7-8, 2018
80. “Beyond mean field in cold gases: quantum droplets and three-body interactions”
Talk at the Quantum Technologies Conference IX Manipulating photons, atoms, and molecules
Hel, Poland, September 11-16, 2018
81. “Stable p-wave resonant two-dimensional Fermi-Bose dimers”
Seminar at the MPQ
Garching, Germany, September 25, 2018
82. “Stable p-wave resonant two-dimensional Fermi-Bose dimers”
Talk at the International Symposium on Quantum Many-Body Physics
Moscow, Russia, October 5, 2018
83. “Beyond mean field in cold gases: quantum droplets and three-body interactions”
Talk at the first meeting of the GDR RESANET GT3
Saclay, France, November 12-13, 2018
84. “Beyond mean field in cold gases: quantum droplets and three-body interactions”
Seminar at the LPT
Toulouse, France, January 22, 2019
85. “Beyond mean field in cold gases: quantum droplets and three-body interactions”
Seminar at the IOGS
Palaiseau, France, May 20, 2019
86. “Three-body interaction near two-body zero crossing”
Talk at the workshop on Quantum Mixtures
Trento, Italy, July 15-17, 2019
87. “Stable p-wave resonant two-dimensional Fermi-Bose dimers”
Talk at the workshop “Many-body physics with ultracold atoms and beyond”
Munich, Germany, September 5-6, 2019
88. “Mixed bubbles in Bose-Bose mixtrures”
Seminar+webinar at UPC
Barcelona, Spain, September 23, 2020
89. “Mixed bubbles in Bose-Bose mixtrures”
Talk at the online workshop “Quantum Fluctuations 2020”
November 9-10, 2020
90. “Mixed bubbles in Bose-Bose mixtrures”
Talk at the online workshop “Exploring Quantum Many-Body Physics with Ultracold Atoms and Molecules”
(Bad Honnef, fully online) December 14-18, 2020
91. “Quantum droplets and bubbles in Bose-Bose mixtures”
SFB colloquium Hamburg University
(Hamburg, online) January 20, 2021
92. “Stable p-wave resonant two-dimensional Fermi-Bose dimers”
Seminar at College de France
(Paris, online) April 09, 2021
93. “Higher-order effective interactions for bosons near a two-body zero crossing”
Talk at the Polish-French Symposium: Developments in the physics of ultracold matter
Paris, July 01, 2021
94. “Higher-order effective interactions for bosons near a two-body zero crossing”
Talk at the EGAS52 Virtual Conference
Zagreb (fully online), July 06, 2021
95. “Quantum droplets and bubbles in Bose-Bose mixtures”
Seminar at the Russian Quantum Center
(Moscow, online) November 12, 2021
96. “Higher-order effective interactions for bosons near a two-body zero crossing”
Seminar at the Russian Quantum Center
(Moscow, online) March 4, 2022
97. “Beyond-mean-field effects in quantum gases: quantum droplets and beyond”
IPHT-LPTMS meeting
Orsay, April 14, 2022
98. “Beyond mean-field effects in mixtures: few-body and many-body aspects”
Course of lectures at Varenna summer school COURSE 211 – QUANTUM MIXTURES WITH ULTRA-COLD ATOMS
Varenna, July 18-23, 2022
99. “Quantum mixtures and droplets”
Course of three lectures, Les Houches predoc school “Quantum Mixtures of Ultracold Atomic Gases”
Les Houches, September 26 – October 7, 2022
100. “Self-binding of one-dimensional fermionic mixtures with zero-range interspecies attraction”
Talk at the International Symposium on Clustering as a Window on the Hierarchical Structure of Quantum Systems (CLUSHIQ2022)
Sendai, Japan, October 31-November 3, 2022
101. “Self-binding of one-dimensional fermionic mixtures with zero-range interspecies attraction”
Talk at the Polish-French Symposium II: Advances in the physics of ultracold matter
Paris, France, May 31-June 02, 2023
102. “Heavy-light N+1 clusters of two-dimensional fermions”
Informal Seminar in the group of P. Vignolo
Nice, October 17, 2023
103. “Heavy-light N+1 clusters of two-dimensional fermions”
Seminar at LENS
Florence, Italy, October 19, 2023
104. “Heavy-light N+1 clusters of two-dimensional fermions”
Talk at the ECT* workshop “Critical stability of few-body quantum systems”
Trento, Italy, October 23-27, 2023
105. “Gas-to-soliton transition of attractive bosons on a spherical surface”
Talk at the International Workshop on Atomic Physics
Dresden, Germany, November 27 – December 1, 2023