Séminaire du LPTMS : Alvise Bastianello (TUM Munich)


11:00 - 12:00

Type d’évènement

Carte non disponible

Chasing Cold Atoms with Generalized Hydrodynamics

Alvise Bastianello (TUM Munich)

Ultracold quantum gases are the ideal experimental venue to investigate strongly interacting phases of matter and their dynamic properties, in many instances exceeding the capability of conventional numerical methods. Hence, new strategies must be devised to overcome these challenges. In one dimension, the role of interactions is enhanced and correlations are strong, nonetheless a special class of systems, known as integrable models, allows for analytical progress directly at the thermodynamic scale. In this talk, I will introduce the exact large-scale hydrodynamics of integrable models, known as Generalized Hydrodynamics (GHD), and present theoretical developments, such as inhomogeneous interactions, quasiparticle instabilitities and semiclassical limits. These results are relevant for experimental applications: I will discuss results obtained with ongoing experimental collaborations, and future directions.

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