Séminaire du LPTMS : Fabian Essler (Oxford)


11:00 - 12:00

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Integrability meets Perturbation Theory: GHD from BBGKY

Fabian Essler (University of Oxford)

Hybrid Seminar: onsite + zoom.

Zoom link: https://cnrs.zoom.us/j/93987357933?pwd=Q01rZ3pZaU5uVnYzZTAvN1duZUlTZz09
Meeting ID: 939 8735 7933
Passcode: XP27pW

Standard approaches to non-equilibrium dynamics in many-particle quantum systems such as the Quantum Boltzmann equation are based on perturbative truncations of the BBGKY hierarchy. In contrast, integrable systems (in the Euler scaling limit) are described by the recently developed theory of Generalised Hydrodynamics. I show how the two viewpoints can be explicitly related by developing a perturbative approach to integrability.

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