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In the last lecture we discussed that the eigenstates of the Anderson model can be localized, delocalized or multifractal. The idea is to look at the (generalized) IPR

The exponent is called multifractal exponent . Normalization imposes and the fact that the wave fuction is defined everywhere that . In general is the fractal dimension of the object we are considering and it is simply a geometrical property.

  • Delocalized eigenstates

In this case, for all the sites. This gives

  • Multifractal eigenstates.

This case correspond to more complex wave function for which we expect

The exponent is positive and is called multifractal spectrum . It is a convex function and its maximum is the fractal dimension of the object, in our case d. We can determine the relation between multifractal spectrum and exponent

for large L

This means that for that verifies we have

A metal has a simple spectrum. Indeed, all sites have , hence and . Then becomes independent. A multifractal has a smooth spectrum with a maximum at with . At , and .

Larkin model

In your homewoork you solved a toy model for the interface:

For simplicity, we assume Gaussian disorder , .

You proved that:

  • the roughness exponent of this model is below dimension 4
  • The force per unit length acting on the center of the interface is
  • at long times the interface shape is

In the real depinning model the disorder is however a non-linear function of h. The idea of Larkin is that this linearization is correct up, the length of correlation of the disorder along the h direction . This defines a Larkin length. Indeed from

You get

Above this scale, roguhness change and pinning starts with a crtical force

In we have