
      • Since 2023: Advanced topics in Theoretical Physics — for Master students
        Coordinator of the course for the University of Amsterdam.
        This course is shared between the University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University, and Leiden University, and is organized under the Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP).


      • Since 2022: Theory of Complex Systems — for Master students
        University of Amsterdam, Master in Computational Science
        University of Amsterdam, Master Physics & Astronomy, Theoretical Physics track, and General track
        Course Material


      • Since 2021: Programming in Python, as part of the course Programming for AMEP — for Master students in physics
        University of Amsterdam, Master Physics and Astronomy, track Advanced Matter and Energy Physics (AMEP)
        Course Material


      • 2021: Guest lecture, Introduction to Statistical Inference for Physicists — for master students
        University of Amsterdam, Master Physics and Astronomy, Theoretical Physics track
        In the course of Edan Lerner


      • 2016 — 2017: Tutorials in Probability Theory — for master students
        ICTP — for the International Master « Physics of Complex Systems »
        for the lectures of Matteo Marsili



      • 2012 — 2015: Programming in C with applications in physics (lab) — for 3rd year undergraduates
        Université Paris-Sud — L3/Magistère Physique Fondamentale

        Travaux dirigés – Cours de langage C appliqué à la physique
        Site internet de l’enseignement de François Naulin


      • 2012 — 2014: Practicals for future teachers: thermodynamics, optics, mechanics, electricity — for master students
        preparation to the national competitive exam for teaching « CAPES »
        Université Paris-Sud, M1/M2 enseignement

        Travaux Pratiques — Préparation au CAPES de Physique Chimie
        Thermodynamique, optique, électricité, mécanique, onde

        TP de Daniel Beaufils


      • 2011 — 2012: Maple, with applications in physics (lab) — for 1rst year undergraduates (in mathematics and physics)
        Classes Prépa, MPSI/Lycée Pasteur

        Travaux dirigés — Maple pour la physique
        CPGE Lycée Pasteur, MPSI


      • 2012: Book participation
        Author for the edition H&K: Annals for entrance competitive exams to the French « Grandes Ecoles »

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