- Talk, DUCOMS day 2023 (November 2023, organized by the Dutch Computational Science platform, Utrecht Netherlands) Robust detection of high-order community structures in noisy binary data
- AMOLF colloquium (November 2023, AMOLF, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
- Invited talk, APS March meeting in the focus session Physics of Neural Systems (March 2023, Las Vegas, USA)
- Outreach presentation at “Viva Fysica” for high school students and teachers (January 2023, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands),
- Nico van Kampen Colloquium in Theoretical Physics (Utrecht University, December 2022, Netherlands)
- Invited Talk, Workshop Stat Phys Neuro 2022, SISSA (Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati — June 2022, Trieste, Italy)
Inferring communities of neurons from their activity using spin models: when simple matters! — workshop page
- Invited Talk, Symposium Trends in Theory 2022, Dutch Research School of Theoretical Physics (DRSTP) (May 2022, Netherlands)
Identifying communities in binary data with spin models: when simple matters
- Contributed Talk, Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2021 (July 2021, online)
Structure in the population code increases along the auditory cortical hierarchy — abstract , recording
- Seminar, Simulation based Science (SbS) seminar at the Institute of Advanced Study (IAS) (April 2021, Netherlands, online)
Emergence of property rights in competitive resource allocation — recording
- Contributed talk, APS March Meeting (Annual conference of the American Physics Society — March 2021, USA, online)
Competing for Resources: on the Emergence of Property Rights — abstract
- Seminar, Dutch Institute for Emergent Phenomena (DIEP) (March 2021, Netherlands, online)
Beyond pairwise model for binary data: the search for simple spin models — recording
- Seminar, Curious Minded Machine (CMM) seminar series, Honda Research Institute (Feb 2021, USA, online)
Curiosity Increases Equality in Competitive Resource Allocation — abstract
- Invited talk, KNAW BiophysicsNL meeting (Feb 2021, Netherlands, online)
Searching for high order patterns of data; The importance of simple models — recording
- Guest lecture, University of Amsterdam, Master Physics and Astronomy, Theoretical Physics track (Feb 2021, online)
in the course of Edan Lerner.
Introduction to Statistical Inference for Physicists
- Contributed talk, APS March Meeting (March 2020, USA, online)
Beyond Pairwise Models for Binary Data; Model Selection with Minimally Complex Model — abstract, slides
- Invited seminar, Laboratoire Matière et Systèmes Complexes (MSC), Université Paris Diderot (February 2020, Paris, France)
Beyond Pairwise Models for Binary Data; The Search for Simple Spin Models
- Invited seminar, University of Amsterdam (UvA) (February 2020, Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Beyond Pairwise Models for Binary Data; The Search for Simple Spin Models
- Conference Poster, StatPhys27 (July 2019, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Analyzing Binary Data: Is your Model Truly Pairwise?
- Departmental seminar, Computational Neuroscience Initiative (CNI), University of Pennsylvania (March 2019, Philadelphia, USA)
Analyzing Binary Data with Spin Models: the Search for Simple Models
- Contributed talk, APS March Meeting (March 2019, Boston, USA)
The Complexity of Spin Models: Are Pairwise Models Really Simple? — abstract, slides
- Poster, Workshop on Statistical physics, Learning, Inference and Networks (Feb. 2017, les Houches, France)
Are pairwise models really simpler?
- Departmental seminar, International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) (Feb. 2017, Trieste, Italy)
The stochastic complexity of spin models
- Conference Poster, Statphys26 (July 2016, Lyon, France)
Exploiting resources: evolutionarily stable strategy with no conflicts and emergence of property rights
- Invited seminar, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) (July 2015, Trieste, Italy)
Universal properties of branching random walks in confined geometries
- Invited seminar, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (MPI-MPKS) (April 2015, Dresden, Germany)
Universal properties of branching random walks in confined geometries
- PhD days of the department DM2S (March 2015, CEA Saclay, France)
Several aspects of statistical neutron physics
- R&D seminar for EDF and AREVA (Dec. 2014, CEA Saclay, France)
Universal properties of neutrons diffusion
- Departmental seminar, LPTMS (Nov. 2014, Orsay, France)
Universal properties of branching random walks in confined geometries
- Contributed talk, Journées de Physique Statistique, ESPCI (Jan. 2014, Paris)
Asymmetric Lévy flights in the presence of absorbing boundaries
- Conference poster, Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo (Oct. 2013, Paris, France)
Generalisation of opacity formulas for neutron transport – conference
- Poster, Netadis summer school, Statistical Physics Approaches to Networks across Disciplines (Sept. 2013, Denmark)
- Invited seminar, Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (CEA) (July 2012, Saclay, France)
Asymmetric Lévy flights in the presence of absorbing boundaries
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