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Advanced biophysics (ICFP Soft Matter and Biophysics M2 program)
This course is co-taught by Aleksandra Walczak. Download my notes and references, as well as chapter-specific resources:
- Chromatin organization: slides, tutorial
- Protein folding: slides, tutorial
- Self-assembly: slides, tutorial
- Cell compartmentalization: tutorial
Biophysics (Physics of Complex Systems M2 program)
The course explores intracellular processes with soft matter and statistical physics, including the cytoskeleton and the cell membrane. Its emphasis is on connecting microscopic processes with macroscopic behaviors, and the emergence of unusual active material properties. You can download the most up to date version of the course's lecture notes.
The main lectures are accompanied by tutorials:
- Entropic elasticity of a semiflexible filament
- Elasticity and force transmission in the cytoskeleton
- Membrane-filament interactions
and modeling projects, where students propose models for experimental data without the usual detailed guidance of an exercise sheet:
- Chromosome distances (data)
- Formin speed (data)
- Oxygen binding to hemoglobin (data)
- Opening probability of a membrane channel (data)
- DNA packaging in a virus (data)
- Titin extension (data)
References for that data are only given at the end of the semester, to encourage students to use their imagination rather than imitate the model of the original paper.
References for that data are only given at the end of the semester, to encourage students to use their imagination rather than imitate the model of the original paper.
As a warm-up ahead of the first modeling project session, download this dataset, and use your computer to find the exponent of the power law dependence \(y\propto x^\alpha\), as well as the values of the two numerical coefficients of \(z= a\tanh(b\ln x)\). Don't forget to plot the data and the fit together for comparison.
The text of the 2020-2021 exam and the associated solutions are also available.
Interface Physique Vivant (Mines ParisTech)
You may consult the course description in the course catalog.Statistical physics (ICFP Soft Matter and Biophysics M2 program)
This course requires the mastery of the topics tackled in this prerequisites exercise sheet. The semester is divided into two parts.
Part 1: Phase transitions, broken symmetry and universality
Emmanuel Trizac is in charge of the main lecture of this section of the course, while Martin conducts the exercise sessions. Go to Emmanuel's website to download all relevant material.
Part 2: Nonequilibrium phenomena
Martin is in charge of this whole section, covering the following topics:
- The Langevin and Fokker-Planck equations
- Linear response theory
- Generalized hydrodynamics
- Active matter
- The Langevin equation, in and out of equilibrium
- Nonequilibrium phase separation
- Connecting micro to macro in fluid flows (Sec. 2 solutions)
You may download the detailed calculation of the Kramers-Moyal expansion. The text of the 2020-2021 exam and the associated solutions are also available.