Christophe Texier
Aller au contenu
L3 Mag – Physique statistique
L3 Mag – Mécanique quantique
L3 Mag – Mathématiques
L3 Mag – Outils mathématiques (option)
L3 Papp – Mathématiques
L3-PC — Mécanique quantique
Physique mésoscopique
L2 – Thermodynamique – Introduction à la physique statistique
L2 – Introduction à la mécanique quantique
L1 – Mécanique (Phys101)
L1 – Mécanique du point et optique géométrique
M2 PCS – Stochastic processes
M2 iCFP – Advanced statistical physics (Soft Matter track)
M2 iCFP – Ondes en milieux désordonnés et phénomènes de localisation
M2 iCFP – Physique statistique hors équilibre (Quant. Phys. track)
M2 CFP – Intégrale de chemin
M2 CFP – Théorie des champs
M1 Mag – Transitions de phase
Conférences du magistère
PhD, Habilitation & Review articles
One dimensional disordered quantum mechanics
Wigner time delay and Wigner-Smith matrix in disordered 1D models
Ordered statistics of energy levels
Disordered supersymmetric quantum mechanics
Disorder, point scatterers and random matrix products
Fluctuations and single parameter scaling
Multichannel models
Landscape approach of localisation
Classical diffusion in a random environment
Random Matrix Theory
Products of random matrices
Invariant ensembles, linear statistics and Coulomb gas: quantum scattering and other topics
Quantum correlations in cold atomic gases
Interface models, elastic lines
Metric graphs : spectrum and scattering
Functional determinants
Scattering on Graphs
Quantum transport in networks of metallic wires
Nonlocality of quantum transport in networks
Electronic interactions
Shot noise in mesoscopic conductors
Other topics
Random walk on the Bethe lattice and diffusion on the hyperbolic plane
Two-dimensional magnetic Hamiltonians
Liens utiles
Random Matrix Theory
Two main directions :
Products of random matrices
Invariant ensembles, linear statistics of the eigenvalues and Coulomb gas : quantum scattering and other topics
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