Lectures for the « Soft Matter & physics for biology » track of the Master 2 iCFP
Lectures : Christophe Texier (LPTMS, UPSay)
Tutorials : Jean-Noël Aqua (INSP, SU)
- Lectures at SU, room 310, Tower 24-34, 8h30-12h45
- 12 weeks
- PART 1 : out-of-equilibrium statistical physics
– Phenomenological description and stochastic processes (Langevin and Fokker-Planck approaches,…)
– Linear response theory (correlation and response functions, fluctuation-dissipation,…) - PART 2 : phase transitions and critical phenomena
– Mean field (Landau and Landau-Ginzburg approaches,…)
– Fluctuations and the limits of mean field
– Universality and scaling, renormalisation
Lecture notes
Lecture notes (update : 16/12/2024) (refresh your browser)
- TD 1 : Langevin model and random processes
- TD 2 : Random processes
- TD 3 : Correlations and fluctuations
- TD 4 : Fokker-Planck approach
- TD 5 : Random walks
- TD 6 : FPE and SDE
- TD 7 : Environment model and linear response
- TD 8 : Phase transitions – mean field
- TD 9 : Mean-field Debye-Hückel theory for charged fluids
- TD 10 : Liquid crystals
- TD 11 : Real space renormalization for the Ising model
- january 2022 : exam and correction
- january 2023 : exam and correction
- january 2024 : exam and correction
- january 2025 : exam and correction
For part 1:
- D. Chandler, Introduction to modern statistical mechanics, Oxford, 1987
- L. Landau & E. Lifshitz, Statistical physics, volume 5, Mir, 1966
- M. Le Bellac, F. Mortessagne & G. Batrouni, Equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical thermodynamnics, Cambridge, 2004
- N. Pottier, Nonequilibrium statistical physics: linear irreversible processes, Oxford, 2009
on stochastic processes:
- C. W. Gardiner, Handbook of stochastic methods for physics, chemistry and the natural sciences, Springer, 1989
- H. Risken, The Fokker-Planck equation, Springer, 1989
- N. G. van Kampen, Stochastic processes in physics and chemistry, North-Holland, 1992
For part 2:
an introduction (the beginning of the lectures)
- C. Texier & G. Roux, Physique statistique, Dunod, 2017 → chapter 10
two synthetic books, very well written:
- Edouard Brézin, Introduction to statistical field theory, Cambridge University Press
- John Cardy, Scaling and renormalization in statistical physics, Cambridge University Press
Two other excellent books:
- R. K. Pathria & P. D. Beale, Statistical Physics, 3rd ed. Academic Press
- Nigel Goldenfeld, Lectures on phase transitions and the renormalizationg group, ABP