Shot noise correlations in a mesoscopic conductor in the IQH regime
The huge progresses in the fabrication of mesoscopic devices since the 80′ has stimulated many studies of phase coherent systems. Most of works have concerned transport properties (measurement of the average current) however the question of noise (fluctuations of the current) has attracted a lot of attention since the begining of the 90′.
In our article we consider a three terminal conductor in the regime of the integer quantum Hall regime, when the current is carried by several edge states. If there exists some redistribution of current among the edge states, we show that shot noise correlation can provide some information on the nature of the inter-edge state scattering (elastic or inelastic).
- Christophe Texier and Markus Büttiker,
Effect of incoherent scattering on shot noise correlations in the quantum Hall regime
Phys. Rev. B 62(11), 7454-7458 (2000).
cond-mat/0003301. - Christophe Texier and Markus Büttiker,
Effect of incoherent scattering on shot noise correlations in the quantum Hall regime
in « Electronic correlations: From meso- to nano-physics », ed. by T.Martin, G.Montambaux and J. Trân Thanh Vân, Proceedings of the XXXVIth Moriond conference, 20-27 january 2001, EDP Sciences, pp. 107-110.
ps file. - A talk : Effect of incoherent scattering on shot noise correlations in the quantum Hall regime.
ps (4.9MB).
Our prediction has been verified experimentally, in the team of C. Schönenberger in Basel : S. Oberholzer et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 046804 (2006).