Publications and Invited Talks

Complete List of Publications and Invited Talks

In Journals :

Journals Numbers
Science 1
Physical Review Letters 71
Physical Review E Rapid Physical Review Research  Physics Reports 15
Physical Review A Rapid 1
Physical Review E 95
Physical Review A 11
Physical Review B 4
Europhysics Letters 11
Journal of Chemical Physics 3
Biophysical Journal 1
Journal of Physics-A: Math. Gen 66
Journal of Physics-C 1
Journal of Statistical Physics 19
Journal of Statistical Mech. 55
Nuclear Phys. B 1
Physica A 5
Physica C 1
Markov Process. Rel. Fields 1
Quantitative Finance 1
Advances in Physics 1
Annals of Physics 1
Current Science 2
Chaos, Solitons, and Fractals 1
Scipost 3
Total 374


  • S.N. Majumdar, “An Ideal Polymer Chain in Arbitrary Dimensions Near an Attractive Site”,Physica A, v-169, 207 (1990). PDF
  • D. Dhar and S.N. Majumdar, “Abelian Sandpile Model on the Bethe Lattice”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., v-23, 4333 (1990). [citations: 166/121 (GS/ISI)]. PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar and D. Dhar, “Height Correlations in the Abelian Sandpile Model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen., v-24, L357 (1991). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and M. Barma, “Tag Diffusion in Driven Systems, Growing Interfaces and Anomalous Fluctuations”, Phys. Rev. B, v-44, 5306 (1991). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and M. Barma, “Two-tag Correlation Functions in One Dimensional Lattice Gases”, Physica A, v-177, 366 (1991). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar, “Exact Fractal Dimension of the Loop Erased Self-avoiding Walk in Two Dimensions”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-68, 2329 (1992). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and D. Dhar, “Equivalence of the Abelian Sandpile Model and the q− > 0 Limit of the Potts Model”, Physica A, v-185, 129 (1992).  PDF
  • S.S. Manna, D. Dhar and S.N. Majumdar, “Spanning Trees in Two Dimensions”, Phys. Rev. A Rapid Communications, v-46, R4471 (1992). PDF
  • M. Paczuski, M. Barma, S.N. Majumdar and T. Hwa, “Fluctuations of a Nonequilibrium Interface”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-69, 2735(C) (1992). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar and C. Sire, “Phase Separation Model with Conserved Order Parameter on the Bethe Lattice”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-70, 4022 (1993). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and V. Privman, “Annihilation of Immobile Reactants on the Bethe Lattice”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. v-26, L743 (1993).
  • D.A. Huse and S.N. Majumdar, “Nonlocal Resistivity in the Vortex Liquid Regime of Type-II Superconductors”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-71, 2473 (1993). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and C. Sire, “Exact Dynamics of a Class of Aggregation Models”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-71, 3729 (1993). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar, D.A. Huse and B.D. Lubachevsky, “Growth of Long-range Correlations after a Quench in Conserved Order Parameter Systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-73, 182 (1994). PDF
  • H. Safar, P.L. Gammel, D.A. Huse, S.N. Majumdar, L.F. Schneemeyer, D.J. Bishop, D. Lopez, G. Nieva and F. de la Cruz, « Observation of a Nonlocal Conductivity in the Mixed State of Y Ba2Cu3O7- : Experimental evidence for a vortex line liquid », Phys. Rev Lett., v-72, 1272 (1994). PDF
  • H. Safar, D. Lopez, P.L. Gammel, D.A. Huse, S.N. Majumdar, L.F. Schneemayer, D.J. Bishop, G. Nieva, F. Delacruz, “Experimental Evidence of a Nonlocal Resistivity in a Vortex Line Liquid”, Physica C, v-235, 2581 (1994). PDF


  • C. Sire and S.N. Majumdar, “Coarsening in the q-state Potts model and Ising Model with Globally Conserved Magnetization”, Phys. Rev. E, 52, 244 (1995). PDF
  • C. Sire and S.N. Majumdar, “ Correlations and Coarsening in the q-state Potts model”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 4321 (1995). PDF
  • C.-h. Liu, S.R. Nagel, D.A. Schecter, S.N. Coppersmith, S. Majumdar, O. Narayan and T.A. Witten, “Force Fluctuations in Bead Packs”, Science, v-269, 513 (1995). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and D.A. Huse, “Growth of Long-range Order in Phase Ordering Systems”, Phys. Rev. E, v-52, 270 (1995). PDF


  • S.N. Coppersmith, C.-h. Liu, S. Majumdar, O. Narayan a418/273 (GS/ISI)nd T.A. Witten, “Model for Force Fluctuations in Bead Packs”, Phys. Rev. E, v-53, 4673 (1996). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A.M. Sengupta, “Non-equilibrium Dynamics following a Quench in a Semi-infinite System”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-76, 2394 (1996). PDF
  • T. Senthil and S.N. Majumdar, “Critical Properties of Random Quantum Potts and Clock Models”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-76, 3001 (1996). PDF
  • K. Damle, S.N. Majumdar and S. Sachdev, “ Phase Ordering Kinetics of the Bose Gas ”, Phys. Rev. A, v-54, 5037 (1996). PDF
  • K. Damle, T. Senthil, S.N. Majumdar and S. Sachdev, “ Phase Transition of a Bose Gas in a Harmonic Potential” , Europhys. Lett., v-36, 7 (1996).  PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and C. Sire, “Survival Probability of a Gaussian Non-Markovian Process: Application to the T = 0 Dynamics of Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-77, 1420 (1996).  PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, C. Sire, A.J. Bray and S.J. Cornell, “Nontrivial Exponent in Simple Diffusion”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-77, 2867 (1996).  PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, A.J. Bray, S.J. Cornell and C. Sire, “Global Persistence Exponent for Critical Dynamics”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-77, 3704 (1996).  PDF


  • B. Yurke, A.N. Pargellis, S.N. Majumdar and C. Sire, “Experimental Mea-surement of the Persistence Exponent of the Planar Ising Model”, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications, v-56, R40 (1997). PDF
  • J. Krug, H. Kallabis, S.N. Majumdar, S.J. Cornell, A.J. Bray and C. Sire, “Persistence Exponents for Fluctuating Interfaces”, Phys. Rev. E ., v-56, 2702 (1997).  PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar and S.J. Cornell, “Survival Probability of a Mobile Particle in a Fluctuating Field”, Phys. Rev. E, v-57, 3757 (1998). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A.J. Bray, “Persistence With Partial Survival”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-81, 2626 (1998). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, S. Krishnamurthy and M. Barma, “Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in Models of Aggregation, Adsorption, and Dissociation”, Phys.Rev. Lett., v-81, 3691 (1998). PDF


  • A. Dhar and S.N. Majumdar, “Residence Time Distributions for a Class of Gaussian Markov Processes” Phys. Rev. E, v-59, 6413 (1999). PDF


  • C. Sire, S.N. Majumdar and A. Rudinger, “Analytical Results for Random Walk Persistence”, Phys. Rev. E , v-61, 1258 (2000). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, S. Krishnamurthy and M. Barma, “Nonequilibrium Phase Transition in a Model of Diffusion, Aggregation and Fragmentation”, J. Stat. Phys., v-99, 1 (2000). PDF
  • R. Rajesh and S.N. Majumdar, “Conserved Mass Models and Particle Systems in One Dimension”, J. Stat. Phys., v-99, 943 (2000). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and J. Radhakrishnan, “Analytical Studies of Strategies for Utilization of Cache Memory in Computers”,  PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, S. Krishnamurthy and M. Barma, “ Phase transition in the Takayasu Model with Desorption ”, Phys. Rev. E, v-61, 6337 (2000). PDF
  • R. Rajesh and S.N. Majumdar, “Exact Calculation of the Spatio-temporal Correlations in the Takayasu model and in the q-model of Force Fluctuations in Bead Packs”, Phys. Rev. E, v-62, 3186 (2000). PDF
  • P.L. Krapivsky and S.N. Majumdar, “Traveling Waves, Front Selection, and Exact Nontrivial Exponents in a Random Fragmentation Problem”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-85, 5492 (2000). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and P.L. Krapivsky, “Extremal Paths on a Random Cayley Tree”, Phys. Rev. E, v-62, 7735 (2000). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar, D. Dean and P. Grassberger, “Coarsening in Presence of Kinetic Disorders: Analogy to Granular Compaction”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-86, 2301 (2001). PDF
  • R. Rajesh and S.N. Majumdar, “Exact Phase Diagram of a Model with Aggregation and Chipping”, Phys. Rev. E, v-63, 036114-1 (2001). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A.J. Bray, “Spatial Persistence of Fluctuating Interfaces”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-86, 3700 (2001). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, A.J. Bray and G.C.M.A. Ehrhardt , “Persistence with Discrete-Time Sampling” ,Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications, v-64, 015101 (2001). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and P. L. Krapivsky , “The Dynamics of Efficiency: A Simple Model”, Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications, v-63, 045101 (2001). PDF
  • D. Das, M. Barma and S.N. Majumdar, “Fluctuation Dominated Phase Ordering Driven by Stochastically Evolving Surfaces”, Phys. Rev. E, v-64, 046126 (2001). PDF
  • D.S. Dean and S.N. Majumdar , “Extreme Value Statistics of Hierarchically Correlated Variables: Deviation from Gumbel Statistics and Anomalous Persistence”, Phys. Rev. E, v-64, 046121 (2001). PDF
  • R. Rajesh and S.N. Majumdar, “Exact Tagged Particle Correlations in the Random Average Process”, Phys. Rev. E. v-64, 036103 (2001). PDF
  • E. Ben-Naim, P.L. Krapivsky and S.N. Majumdar, “Extremal Properties of Random Trees”, Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications v-64, 035101 (2001). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and D. Dhar, “Persistence in a Stationary Time Series”, Phys. Rev. E. v-64, 046123 (2001). PDF
  • D.S. Dean and S.N. Majumdar, “The Exact Distribution of the Oscillation Period in the Underdamped One-dimensional Sinai model”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. v-34, L697 (2001). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar and P.L. Krapivsky, “Extreme Value Statistics and Traveling Fronts: An Application to Computer Science”, Phys. Rev. E. v-65, 036127 (2002). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, “Statistics of Multiple Sign Changes in a Discrete Non-Markovian Sequence”, Phys. Rev. E. Rapid Communications, v-65, 035104 (R) (2002). PDF
  • D.S. Dean and S.N. Majumdar, “Phase Transition in a Random Fragmentation Problem with Applications to Computer Science”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. v-35, L501 (2002). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and D.S. Dean, “Exact Solution of a Drop-push Model for Percolation”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-89, 115701 (2002). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A. Comtet, “Local and the Occupation Time of a Particle Diffusing in a Random Medium”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-89, 060601 (2002). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A.J. Bray, “Large-deviation Functions for Nonlinear Functionals of a Gaussian Stationary Markov Process”, Phys. Rev. E v-65, 051112 (2002). PDF
  • G.C.M.A Ehrhardt, A.J. Bray and S.N. Majumdar , “Persistence of a Continuous Stochastic Process with Discrete-time Sampling: Non-Markov Processes”, Phys. Rev. E v- 65, 041102 (2002). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and D.S. Dean, “Exact Occupation Time Distribution in a Non-Markovian Sequence and Its Relation to Spin Glass Models”, Phys. Rev. E v-66, 041102 (2002). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A. Comtet, “Exact Asymptotic Results for Persistence in the Sinai Model with Arbitrary Drift”, Phys. Rev. E v-66, 061105 (2002). PDF
  • A. Comtet, J. Desbois and S.N. Majumdar, “The Local Time Distribution of a Particle Diffusing on a Graph”, J. Phys. A: Math Gen v-35, L687 (2002). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and D.S. Dean, “Slow Relaxation in a Constrained Ising Spin Chain: a Toy Model for Granular Compaction”, Phys. Rev. E v-66, 056114 (2002). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar and P.L. Krapivsky, “Extreme Value Statistics and Traveling Fronts: Various Applications”, Physica A v-318, 161 (2003). PDF
  • A.J. Bray, S.N. Majumdar, and R.A. Blythe, “Formal Solution of a Class of Reaction-Diffusion Models: Reduction to a Single-Particle Problem”, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications, v-67, 060102(R) (2003). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A.J. Bray, “Persistence of Manifolds in Nonequilibrium Critical Dynamics”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-91, 030602 (2003). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, “Traveling Front Solutions to Directed Diffusion Limited Aggregation, Digital Search Trees and the Lempel-Ziv Data Compression Algorithm”, Phys. Rev. E, v-68, 026103 (2003). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A.J. Bray, “Survival Probability of a Ballistic Tracer Particle in the Presence of Diffusing Traps”, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications, v-68, 045101 (2003). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, “Persistence of a Particle in the Matheron-de Marsily Velocity Field”, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications, v-68, 050101 (2003). PDF


  • G.C.M.A. Ehrhardt, S.N. Majumdar, and A.J. Bray, “Persistence Exponents and the Statistics of Crossings and Occupation Times for Gaussian Stationary Processes”, Phys. Rev. E, v-69, 016106 (2004). PDF
  • C. Dasgupta, M. Constantin, S. Das Sarma, and S.N. Majumdar, “ Survival in equilibrium step Fluctuations”, Phys. Rev. E, v-69, 022101 (2004). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and S. Nechaev, “An Anisotropic Ballistic Deposition Model with Links to the Ulam Problem and the Tracy-Widom Distribution”, Phys. Rev. E, v-69 011103 (2004). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A. Comtet, “ Exact Maximal Height Distribution of Fluctuating Interfaces”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-92, 225501 (2004). PDF
  • M. Constantin, C. Dasgupta, P. Punyindu Chatraphorn, S.N. Majumdar and S. Das Sarma, “Persistence in Nonequilibrium Surface Growth”, Phys. Rev. E v- 69, 061608 (2004). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, D. Das, J. Kondev and B. Chakraborty, “Landau-like Theory of Glassy Dynamics”, Phys. Rev. E, v-70, 060501 (2004). PDF
  • M.R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar, and R.K.P. Zia, “Factorised Steady States in Mass Transport Models”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. v-37, L275 (2004). PDF
  • R.K.P. Zia, M.R. Evans and S.N. Majumdar, “Construction of the Factorized Steady State Distribution in Models of Mass Transport”, J. Stat. Mech.: Theo. Exp. L10001 (2004). PDF


  • D.S. Dean, D. Lancaster and S.N. Majumdar, “The Statistical Mechanics of Travelling Salesman Type Problems”, J. Stat. Mech.: Theo. Exp. L01001 (2005). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A. Comtet, “Airy Distribution Function: From the Area under a Brownian Excursion to the Maximal Height of Fluctuating Interfaces”, J. Stat. Phys. v-119, 777 (2005). PDF
  • D.S. Dean, I.T. Drummond, R.R. Horgan and S.N. Majumdar, “ Equilibrium Statistics of a Slave Estimator in Langevin Processes”, Phys. Rev. E v-71, 031103 (2005). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and S. Nechaev, “ Exact Asymptotic Results for the Bernoulli Matching Model of Sequence Alignment”, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications v-72, 020901 (R) (2005). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and D. Das, “ Persistence of Randomly Coupled Fluctuating Interfaces”, Phys. Rev. E v-71, 036129 (2005). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, M.R. Evans and R.K.P. Zia, “ Nature of Condensate in Mass Transport Models”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-94, 180601 (2005). PDF
  • M.J. Kearney and S.N. Majumdar, “On the area under a continuous time Brownian motion till its first-passage time”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. v-38, 4097 (2005). PDF
  • D.S. Dean, D.J. Lancaster and S.N. Majumdar, “ The Statistical Mechanics of Combinatorial Optimization Problems with Site Disorder”, Phys. Rev. E v-72, 026125 (2005). PDF
  • A. Comtet and S.N. Majumdar, “ Precise asymptotics for a random walker’s maximum”, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp., P06013 (2005). PDF
  • A. Nagar, M. Barma and S.N. Majumdar, “ Passive Sliders on Fluctuating Surfaces: Strong-Clustering States”, Phys. Rev. Lett. v-94, 240601 (2005). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar, A. Comtet, and R.M. Ziff, “ Unified Solution of the Expected Maximum of a Random Walk and the Discrete Flux to a Spherical Trap”, J. Stat. Phys. v-122, 833 (2006). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and C. Dasgupta, “Spatial Survival Probability for One-dimensional Fluctuating Interfaces in the Steady State”, Phys. Rev. E v-73, 011602 (2006). PDF
  • A. Nagar, S.N. Majumdar and M. Barma, “ Strong clustering of non-interacting, passive sliders driven by a Kardar-Parisi-Zhang surface”, Phys. Rev. E v-74, 021124 (2006).PDF
  • M.R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar and R.K.P. Zia, “Canonical analysis of condensation in factorized steady states”, J. Stat. Phys. v-123, 357 (2006). PDF
  • D.S. Dean and S.N. Majumdar , “Phase transition in a Generalized Eden Growth Model on a Tree”, J. Stat. Phys. v-124, 1351 (2006). PDF
  • G. Schehr and S.N. Majumdar, “Universal Asymptotic Statistics of Maximal Relative Height in One-dimensional Solid-on-solid Models”, Phys. Rev. E 73, 056103 (2006). PDF
  • S. Sabhapandit, S.N. Majumdar and A. Comtet, “ Statistical Properties of Functionals of the Paths of a Particle Diffusing in a One-Dimensional Random Potential”, Phys. Rev. E v-73, 051102 (2006). PDF
  • M.R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar and R.K.P. Zia, “ Factorised Steady States in Mass Transport Models on an Arbitrary Graph”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. v-39, 4859 (2006). PDF
  • M.R. Evans, T. Hanney and S.N. Majumdar , “ Interaction Driven Real-Space Condensation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. v-97, 010602 (2006). PDF
  • C. Sire, S.N. Majumdar and D.S. Dean , “ Exact Solution of a Model of Time-dependent Evolutionary Dynamics in a Rugged Fitness Lanscape”, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp., L07001 (2006). PDF
  • D.S. Dean and S.N. Majumdar, “ Large Deviations of Extreme Eigenvalues of Random Matrices”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-97, 160201 (2006). PDF
  • A.J. Bray and S.N. Majumdar, “Partial Survival and Crossing statistics for a Diffusing Particle in a Transverse Shear Flow”, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. v-39, L625 (2006). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and O.C. Martin, “ The Statistics of the Number of Minima in a Random Energy Landscape”, Phys. Rev. E, v-74, 061112 (2006). PDF


  • R.M. Ziff, S.N. Majumdar and A. Comtet, “ General Flux to Trap in One and Three Dimensions”, J. Phys. C: Cond. Matter v-19, 065102 (2007).PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and M.J. Kearney, “ On the Inelastic Collapse of a Ball Bouncing on a Randomly Vibrating Platform”, Phys. Rev. E v-76, 031130  (2007). PDF
  • A. Comtet, P. Leboeuf and S.N. Majumdar, “ Level Density of a Bose Gas and Extreme Value Statistics”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-98, 070404 (2007). PDF
  • I. Bena and S.N. Majumdar, “ Universal Extremal Statistics in a Freely Expanding Jepsen Gas”, Phys. Rev. E, v-75, 051103 (2007). PDF
  • P. Vivo, S.N. Majumdar and O. Bohigas, “ Large Deviations of the Maximum Eigenvalue in Wishart Random Matrices”, J. Phys. A. Math-Gen, v-40, 4317 (2007). PDF
  • S. Sabhapandit and S.N. Majumdar, “ Density of Near-extreme Events”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-98, 140201 (2007). PDF
  • D. Ben-Avraham, S.N. Majumdar and S. Redner, “ A Toy model of the Rat Race”, J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Exp., L04002 (2007). PDF
  • S. Gupta, S.N. Majumdar, C. Godreche and M. Barma, “ Tagged Particle Correlations in the Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process: Finite Size Effects”, Phys. Rev. E. v-76, 021112 (2007). PDF
  • S. Bhattacharya, D. Das, and S.N. Majumdar “ Persistence of a Rouse Polymer Chain under Transverse Shear Flow”, Phys. Rev. E, v-75, 061122 (2007). PDF
  • A. Comtet, S.N. Majumdar and S. Ouvry “ Integer Partitions and Exclusion Statistics”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-40, 11255 (2007). PDF
  • G. Schehr and S.N. Majumdar “ Statistics of the Number of Zero Crossings : from Random Polynomials to Diffusion Equation”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-99, 060603 (2007). PDF
  • M.J. Kearney, S.N. Majumdar and R.J. Martin “ The first-passage area for drifted Brownian motion and the moments of the Airy distribution”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-40, F863 (2007). PDF
  • A. Comtet, S.N. Majumdar, S. Ouvry, and S. Sabhapandit, “Integer partitions and exclusion statistics: Limit shapes and the largest part of Young diagrams”, Journal of Stat. Mech.: Th. and Exp. P10001 (2007). PDF
  • J. Randon-Furling and S.N. Majumdar, “Distribution of the time at which the deviation of a Brownian motion is maximum before its first-passage time”, Journal of Stat. Mech.: Th. and Exp. P10008 (2007). PDF
  • S. Gupta, M. Barma and S.N. Majumdar, “Finite-size Effects on the Dynamics of the Zero-range Process”, Phys. Rev. E Rapid Communications, v-76, 060101(R) (2007). PDF


  • A. Lakshminarayan, S. Tomsovic, O. Bohigas and S.N. Majumdar, “ Extreme Statistics of Complex Random and Quantum Chaotic States”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-100, 044103 (2008).PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, K. Mallick and S. Nechaev, “ Bethe Ansatz in the Bernoulli Matching Model of Random Sequence Alignment”, Phys. Rev. E, v-77,011110 (2008). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, O. Bohigas and A. Lakshminarayan, “Exact Minimum Eigenvalue Distribution of an Entangled Random Pure State”, J. Stat. Phys. v-131, 33 (2008). PDF
  • S. Sabhapandit, S.N. Majumdar, and S. Redner, “Crowding at the Front of the Marathon Packs”, Journal of Stat. Mech.: Th. and Exp. L03001 (2008). PDF
  • A. Comtet, S.N. Majumdar, and S. Sabhapandit, “A Note on limit shapes of minimal difference partitions”, Journal of Mathematical Physics, Analysis, Geometry, v-4, 24 (2008). PDF
  • D.S. Dean and S.N. Majumdar, “Extreme Value Statistics of Eigenvalues of Gaussian Random Matrices”, Phys. Rev. E, v-77, 041108 (2008). PDF
  • P. Vivo and S.N. Majumdar “ Tunable correlations in a 2 × 2 hermitian random matrix model”, Physica A, v-387, 4839 (2008). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, J. Randon-Furling, M.J. Kearney, and M. Yor, “On the time to reach maximum for a variety of constrained Brownian motions”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-41, 365005 (2008). PDF
  • G. Schehr and S.N. Majumdar, “Real Roots of Random Polynomials and Zero Crossing Properties of Diffusion Equation”, J. Stat. Phys. v-132, 235 (2008). PDF
  • M.R. Evans and S.N. Majumdar, “Condensation and Extreme Value Statistics”, Journal of Stat. Mech.: Th. and Exp. P05004 (2008). PDF
  • S. Sabhapandit, I. Bena, and S.N. Majumdar, “ Statistics of the total number of collisions and the ordering time in a freely expanding hard-point gas”, Journal of Stat. Mech.: Th. and Exp. P05012 (2008). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and R.M. Ziff, “ Universal Record Statistics of Random Walks and L évy Flights”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-101, 050601 (2008). PDF
  • G. Schehr, S.N. Majumdar, A. Comtet and J. Randon-Furling, “ Exact distribution of the maximal height of watermelons”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-101, 150601 (2008). PDF
  • P. Sollich, S.N. Majumdar and A.J. Bray, “ Phase Transition in a Random Minima Model: Mean Field Theory and Exact Solution on the Bethe Lattice”, Journal of Stat. Mech.: Th. and Exp. P11011 (2008). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and J-P. Bouchaud, “Optimal Time to Sell a Stock in Black-Scholes Model”, Quantitative Finance, v-8, 753 (2008). PDF
  • P. Vivo, S.N. Majumdar and O. Bohigas, “Distributions of Conductance and Shot Noise and Associated Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. , v-101, 216809 (2008). PDF


  • S.N. Majumdar and M. Vergassola, “Large Deviations of the Maximum Eigenvalue for Wishart and Gaussian Random Matrices”, Phys. Rev. Lett. , v-102, 060601 (2009).PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, K. Mallick, and S. Sabhapandit, “Statistical Properties of the Final State in One-dimensional Ballistic Aggregation”, Phys. Rev. E. v-79, 021109 (2009). PDF
  • A. Zoia, A. Rosso, and S.N. Majumdar, “Asymptotic Behavior of Self-affine Processes in Semi-infinite Domains”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-102, 120602 (2009). PDF
  • R.M. Ziff, S.N. Majumdar and A. Comtet, “Capture of Particles Undergoing Discrete Random Walks”, J. Chem. Phys. v-130, 204104 (2009). PDF
  • C. Godreche, S.N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, “The Longest Excursion of Stochastic Processes in Nonequilibrium Systems”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-102, 240602 (2009). PDF
  • G. Schehr and S.N. Majumdar, “Condensation of the Roots of Real Random Polynomials on the Real Axis”, J. Stat. Phys. v-135, 587 (2009). PDF
  • C. Nadal and S.N. Majumdar, “Non-intersecting Brownian Interfaces and Wishart Random Matrices”, Phys. Rev. E, v-79, 061117 (2009). PDF
  • J. Randon-Furling, S.N. Majumdar, and A. Comtet, “Convex Hull of N planar Brownian Motions: Application to Ecology”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-103, 140602 (2009). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, C. Nadal, A. Scardicchio, P. Vivo, “The Index Distribution of Gaussian Random Matrices”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-103, 220603 (2009). PDF


  • M.R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar, I. Pagonabarraga, and E. Trizac, “Condensation Transition in Polydisperse Hard Rods”, Journal of Chemical Physics, v-132, 014102 (2010). PDF
  • P. Visco, R.J. Allen, S.N. Majumdar, and M.R. Evans, “Switching and Growth for Microbial Populations in Catastrophic Responsive Environments”, Biophysical Journal v-98, 1099 (2010).PDF
  • P. Vivo, S.N. Majumdar, and O. Bohigas, “Probability Distributions of Linear Statistics in Chaotic Cavities and Associated Phase Transitions”, Phys. Rev. B v-81, 104202 (2010). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, A. Rosso and A. Zoia, “Hitting Probability for Anomalous Diffusion Processes”, Phys. Rev. Lett., v-104, 020602 (2010). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, A. Comtet and J. Randon-Furling, “Random Convex Hulls and Extreme Value Statistics”, J. Stat. Phys. v-138, 955 (2010). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, A. Rosso and A. Zoia, “Time at which the Maximum of a Random Acceleration Process is reached”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-43, 115001 (2010). PDF
  • C. Nadal, S.N. Majumdar, and M. Vergassola, “Phase Transitions in the Distribution of Bipartite Entanglement of a Random Pure State”, Phys. Rev. Lett.  v-104, 110501 (2010). PDF
  • G. Schehr and S.N. Majumdar, “Area Distribution and the Average Shape of a L ́vy Bridge“, arXiv:1004.5046, to appear in Journal of Stat. Mech.: Th. and Experiment (2010). PDF
  • P.L. Krapivsky, S.N. Majumdar and A. Rosso, “Maximum of N Independent Brownian Walkers till the First Exit From the Half Space”, Journal of Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-43 , 315001 (2010). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and A.J. Bray, “Maximum Distance Between the Leader and the Laggard for Three Brownian Walkers”, J. Stat. Mech.: Th. and Experiment, P08023 (2010) PDF


  • C. Nadal, S.N. Majumdar and M. Vergassola, “Statistical distribution of quantum entanglement for a random bipartite state”, Journal of Stat. Phys., v-142, 403 (2011). PDF
  • P.J. Forrester, S.N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, “Non-intersecting Brownian walkers anr Yang-Mills theory on the sphere”, Nucl. Phys. B., v-844,500 (2011). PDF
  • M. Tamm, S. Nechaev and S.N. Majumdar, “Statistics of layered zigszags : a two-dimensional generalization of TASEP”, J. Phys A-Math & Theor., v-44, 012002 (2011). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, C. Nadal, A. Scardicchio and P. Vivo, « How many eigenvalues of a Gaussian random matrix are positive? », Phys. Rev. E., v-83, 041105 (2011). PDF
  • C. Nadal and S.N. Majumdar, « A simple derivation of the Tracy-Widow distribution of the maximal eigenvalue of a Gaussian unitary random matrix », Journal of Stat. Mech. : Th. and Exp., P04001 (2011). PDF
  • M.R. Evans and S.N. Majumdar, « Diffusion with stochastic resetting »,  Phys. Rev. Lett. , v-106, 160601 (2011). PDF
  • G. Borot, B. Eynard, S.N. Majumdar and C. Nadal, « Large deviations of the maximal eigenvalue of random matrices », J. Stat. Mech. Th. & Exp. P11024 (2011). PDF
  • K.J. Wiese, S.N. Majumdar and A. Rosso, « Perturbation theory for fractional Brownian motion in presence of absorbing boundaries », Phys. Rev. E, v-83, 061141 (2011). PDF
  • A. Reymbaut, S.N. Majumdar and A. Rosso , « The convex hull for a random acceleration process in two dimensions, J. Phys. A-Math & Theor., v-44, 415001 (2011). PDF
  • K. Damle, S.N. Majumdar, V. Tripathi and P. Vivo, « Phase transitions in the distribution of the Andreev conductance of superconductor-metal junctions with many transverse modes » Phys. Rev. Lett., v-107, 177206 (2011). PDF
  • T. Sadhu, S.N. Majumdar and D. Mukamel, « Long-range Steady-state Density Profiles Induced by Localized Drive », Phys. Rev. E, v-84, 051136 (2011). PDF
  • M.R. Evans and S.N. Majumdar, « Diffusion with optimal resetting », J. Phys. A-Math & Theor v-44, 435001 (2011). PDF


  • G. Schehr and S.N. Majumdar, « Universal order statistics of random walks », Phys. Rev. Lett., 108, 040601 (2012). PDF
  • P. Mounaix, S.N. Majumdar and A. Banerjee, « Bose Einstein condensation of a Gaussian ramdom field in the thermodynamic limit, J. Phys. A v-45, 115002 (2012). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and P. Vivo, « Number of Relevant Directions in Principal Component Analysis and Wishart Random Matrices »,   Phys. Rev. Lett.  v-108, 200601 (2012). PDF
  • A. Gabel, S. N. Majumdar, N. K. Panduranga and S. Redner, « Can a lamb reach a haven before being eaten by diffusing lions? », J. Stat. Mech.: Theo. and Exp., P05011 (2012). PDF
  • J. Franke and S.N. Majumdar,  « Survival probability of an immobile target surrounded by mobile traps », J. Stat. Mech.: Theo. and Exp., P05024 (2012). PDF
  • G. Wergen, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Record Statistics for Multiple Random Walks », Phys. Rev. E, v-86, 011119 (2012). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, and G. Wergen, « Record statistics and persistence for a random walk with a drift », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-45, 355002 (2012). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and M.V. Tamm, « Number of Common Sites Visited by N Random Walkers », Phys. Rev. E, v-86, 021135 (2012). PDF


  • R. Allez, J.-P. Bouchaud, S.N. Majumdar, P. Vivo, « Invariant $\beta$-Wishart ensembles, crossover densities and asymptotic corrections to the Marcenko-Pastur law », J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. v-46, 015001 (2013). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, D. Villamaina, P. Vivo, «  Large deviations of the top eigenvalue of large Cauchy random matrices », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-46, 022001 (2013). PDF
  • G. Schehr, S.N. Majumdar, A. Comtet, P.J. Forrester, « Reunion probability of N vicious walkers: typical and large fluctuations for large N »,  J. Stat. Phys., v-150, 491 (2013). PDF
  • J. Whitehouse, M. R. Evans, and S.N. Majumdar, « Effect of partial absorption on diffusion with resetting », Phys. Rev. E v-87,  022118 (2013). PDF
  • E. Dumonteil, S.N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, and A. Zoia, « Spatial extent of an outbreak in animal epidemics », PNAS, v-110, 4239 (2013).PDF
  • Y. Edery, A.B. Kostinski, S. N. Majumdar, and B. Berkowitz, « Record-Breaking Statistics for Random Walks in the Presence of Measurement Error and Noise », Phys. Rev. Lett. v-110, 180602 (2013).PDF
  • M. R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar, and K. Mallick, « Optimal diffusive search: nonequilibrium resetting versus equilibrium dynamics », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-46, 185001 (2013). PDF
  • A. Kundu, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Exact distributions of the number of distinct and common sites visited by N independent random walkers », Phys. Rev. Lett.  v-110, 220602 (2013). PDF
  • C. Texier and S.N. Majumdar, « Wigner time-delay distribution in chaotic cavities and freezing
    transition », Phys. Rev. Lett. v-110, 250602 (2013). PDF
  • A. J. Bray, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Persistence and first-passage properties in nonequilibrium systems », Adv. in Phys. v-62, 225-361 (2013). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, P. Mounaix, and G. Schehr, « Exact Statistics of the Gap and Time Interval between the First Two Maxima of Random Walks and Levy Flights », .Phys. Rev. Lett., v-111, 070601 (2013). PDF
  • A.K. Hartmann, S.N. Majumdar, and A. Rosso,« Sampling fractional Brownian motion in presence of absorption: A Markov chain method », Phys. Rev. E, v-88, 022119 (2013). PDF
  • A. Perret, A. Comtet, S.~N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Near-Extreme Statistics of Brownian Motion »,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., v-111, 240601 (2013). PDF


  • J. Szavits-Nossan, M.R. Evans, and S.N. Majumdar,
    « Constraint driven condensation in large fluctuations of linear statistics », Phys. Rev. Lett., v-112, 020602 (2014). PDF
  • R. Marino, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, and P. Vivo, « Index Distribution of Cauchy Random Matrices »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theo. v-47, 055001 (2014). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar and G. Schehr,  « Top eigenvalue of a random matrix: large deviations and third order phase transition », J. Stat. Mech. P01012 (2014). PDF 
  • K. Ramola, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Universal Order and Gap Statistics of Critical Branching Brownian Motion », Phys. Rev. Lett. v-112, 210602 (2014). PDF
  • S. Gupta, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Fluctuating interfaces subject to stochastic
    resetting », Phys. Rev. Lett., v-112, 220601 (2014). PDF
  • C. Godreche, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Universal statistics of longest lasting records of random walks and Levy flights », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-47, 255001 (2014). PDF
  •  R. Marino, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr and P. Vivo, « Phase transitions and edge scaling of number variance in Gaussian random matrices », Phys. Rev. Lett., v-112, 254101 (2014). PDF
  • M.R. Evans and  S.N. Majumdar, « Diffusion with resetting in arbitrary spatial dimension », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-47, 285001 (2014). PDF
  • T. Sadhu, S.N. Majumdar, and D. Mukamel,« Long-range correlations in a locally driven exclusion process »,
    Phys. Rev. E, v-90, 012109 (2014). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, P. Mounaix, and G. Schehr,« On the Gap and Time Interval between the First Two Maxima of Long Random Walks », J. Stat. Mech. P09013  (2014). PDF
  • A. Kundu, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Maximal distance travelled by N vicious walkers till their survival « , J. Stat. Phys.  v-157, 124  (2014). PDF
  • A. Kundu, A. Comtet, and S.N. Majumdar, « Winding statistics of a Brownian particle on a ring « ,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.   v- 47, 385001  (2014). PDF
  • J. Bun, J.-P. Bouchaud, S.N. Majumdar, and M. Potters,
    « An instanton approach to large N Harish-Chandra-Itzykson-Zuber integrals », Phys. Rev. Lett.  v-113, 070201 (2014). PDF
  • M. J. Kearney and S.N. Majumdar, « Statistics of the first-passage time of Brownian motion conditioned by maximum value or area »,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-47, 465001 (2014). PDF
  • J. Szavits-Nossan, M.R. Evans, and S.N. Majumdar, « Condensation transition in the joint large deviations of linear statistics », J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. v-47, 455004 (2014). PDF
  • T. Sadhu, S.N. Majumdar, and D. Mukamel, « Non-local response in a lattice gas under a shear drive », to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (2014). PDF
  • L. Kusmierz, S.N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit, and G. Schehr, « First order transition for the optimal search time of Levy flights with resetting »,  Phys. Rev. Lett. v-113, 220602 (2014). PDF


  •  P. Calabrese, P. Le Doussal, and S.N. Majumdar, «  Random matrices and entanglement entropy of trapped Fermi gases », Phys. Rev. A, v-91, 012303 (2015). PDF
  •  M. Chupeau, O. Benichou, and S.N. Majumdar, «    Survival probability of a Brownian motion in a planar wedge of arbitrary angle », Phys. Rev. E, v- 91, 032106 (2015). PDF
  • K. Ramola, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, «    Branching brownian motion conditioned on particle numbers »,   Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, v-74, 79 (2015). PDF
  •  D.S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, «  Finite-temperature free fermions and the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation at finite time »,  Phys. Rev. Lett. v-114, 110402 (2015). PDF
  •  C. Godreche, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Statistics of the longest interval in renewal processes », J. Stat. Mech. P03014 (2015). PDF
  •  K. Ramola, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Spatial extent of branching brownian motion », Phys. Rev. E, v-91, 042131 (2015). PDF
  •  C. De Bacco, S.N. Majumdar, and P. Sollich, « The average number of distinct sites visited by a random walker on random graphs », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., v-48, 205004 (2015). PDF 
  • M. Chupeau, O. Benichou, and S.N. Majumdar, « Convex hull of a Brownian motion in confinement », Phys. Rev. E, v-91, 050104 (2015). PDF
  • M. Chupeau, O. Benichou, and S.N. Majumdar, « Mean perimeter of the convex hull of a random walk in a semi-infinite medium », Phys. Rev. E, v-92, 022145 (2015). PDF
  • C. Godreche, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Record statistics for random walk bridges », J. Stat. Mech. Theor. Expt. P07027 (2015).  PDF    
  • S.N. Majumdar and H. Orland, « Effective Langevin equations for constrained stocahstic processes », J. Stat. Mech. Theor. Expt. P06039 (2015).  PDF
  • G. Claussen, A.K. Hartmann, and S.N. Majumdar, « Convex hull of random walks: large deviation properties », Phys. Rev. E. v-91, 052104 (2015).  PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit, and G. Schehr, « Dynamical transition in the temporal relaxation of stochastic processes under restting », Phys. Rev. E, v-91, 052131 (2015).  PDF
  • A. Perret, A. Comtet, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « On ceratin functionals of the maximum of Brownian motion and their applications », J. Stat. Phys. v-161, 1112 (2015).  PDF
  • D.S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Universal ground state properties of free fermions in a d-dimensional trap »,  Europhys. Lett. v-112, 60001 (2015).  PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit, G. Schehr, « Random walk with random resetting to the maximum position », Phys. Rev. E  v-92, 052126 (2015).   PDF


  • J. Cividini, A. Kundu, S,N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, « Exact gap statistics for the random avergae process on a ring with a tracer »,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-49,  085002 (2016).  PDF
  • P. Mounaix, G. Schehr, S.N. Majumdar, « On the gap nad the time interval between the first two maxima of long continuous time random walks », J. Stat. Mech.  P013303 (2016).  PDF
  • A. Bar, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, D. Mukamel, « Exact extreme-value statistics at mixed-order transitions »,  Phys. Rev. E v-93, 052130 (2016).  PDF
  • J. Cividini, A. Kundu, S.N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, « Correlation and fluctuation in a random average process on an infinite line with a driven tracer »,  J. Stat. Mech. P053212 (2016).   PDF
  • P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Large deviations for the height in 1D Kardar-Parisi-Zhang growth at late times », Europhys. Lett. v-113, 60004 (2016).  PDF
  • C. Godreche, S.N. Majumdar. G. Schehr, « Exact statistics of record increments of random walks and Levy flights », Phys. Rev. Lett. v-117, 010601 (2016).  PDF
  • P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, G. Schehr, « Exact short-time height distribution in 1D KPZ equation and edge fermions at high temperature », Phys. Rev. Lett.  v-117,  070403 (2016).   PDF
  • T. Dewenter, G. Claussen, A.K. Hartmann, S.N. Majumdar, « Convex hulls of multiple random walks: a large deviation study », Phys. Rev. E (2016), v-94, 052120 (2016) .  PDF
  • R. Marino, S.N. Majumdar. G. Schehr, P. Vivo, « Number statistics for $\beta$-ensembles of random matrices: applications to trapped fermions at zero temperature », Phys. Rev. E , v-94, 032115 (2016).  PDF
  • D.S. Dean, P. Le doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Noninteracting fermions at finite temperature in a d-dimensional trap: Universal correlations », Phys. Rev. A, v-94, 063622 (2016). PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit, G. Schehr, « Exact distributions of cover times for N independent random walkers in one dimension », Phys. Rev. E, v-94, 062131 (2016). PDF


  • D. Boyer, M. R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar, « Long time scaling behaviour for diffusion with  resetting and memory », J. Stat. Mech.  P023208 (2017).  PDF
  • J. Szavits-Nossan, M. R. Evans, S.N. Majumdar, « Conditioned random walks and interaction-driven condensation »,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-50, 024005 (2017).  PDF
  • A. Grabsch, S.N. Majumdar, C. Texier, « Truncated linear statistics associated with the top eigenvalues of random matrices », J. Stat. Phys. v-167, 234 (2017).   PDF
  • T. Devakul, S.N. Majumdar, D.A. Huse, « Probability distribution of entanglement across a cut at an infinite-randomness fixed point », Phys. Rev. B,  v-95, 104204 (2017).  PDF
  • D.S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Statistics of the maximal distance and momentum in a trapped Fermi gas at low temperature »,  J. Stat. Mech. P063301 (2017).  PDF
  • A. Grabsch, S.N. Majumdar, C. Texier, « Truncated linear statistics assoociated with the eigenvalues of random matrices II: partial sums over proper time delays for chaotic quantum dots »,  J. Stat. Phys. 167, 1452 (2017).  PDF
  • P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Periodic Airy process and equilibrium dynamics of edge fermions in a trap », Annals of Physics, 383, 312 (2017).   PDF
  •  C. Godreche, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Record statistics of a strongly correlatex time series: random walks and Levy flights »,  topical review in J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 50, 333001 (2017).   PDF
  •  A. Dhar, A. Kundu, S.N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit, G. Schehr, « Exact extremal statistics in the classical 1d Coulomb gas »,  Phys. Rev. Lett.  119, 060601 (2017).  PDF
  • J. Grela, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Kinetic energy of a trapped Fermi gas at finite temperature », Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 130601 (2017).   PDF
  •  D. S. Grebenkov,  Y. Lanoiselee, S. N. Majumdar, «  Mean perimeter and mean area of the convex hull over planar random walks »,  J. Stat. Mech.  P103203 (2017).  PDF
  • S.N. Majumdar, P. Mounaix, G. Schehr, «  Survival probability of random walks and Levy flights on a semi-infinite line »,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.  50, 465002 (2017).  PDF
  • A. Falcon-Cortes, D. Boyer, L. Giuggioli, S. N. Majumdar, « Localisation transition induced by learning in random searches », Phys. Rev. Lett. 119,  140603 (2017).  PDF
  • H. Schawe,  A.K. Hartmann, S. N. Majumdar, « Convex hulls of random walks in higher dimensions: a large deviation study », Phys. Rev. E 96,  062101 (2017).  PDF
  • B. Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Statistics of fermions in a d-dimensional box near a hard wall », Europhys. Lett. 120,  10006 (2017).  PDF


  •   B. Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, A. Grabsch, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, «   Extremes of 2d Coulomb gas: universal intermediate deviation regime »,  J. Stat. Mech. P013203 (2018).   PDF 
  • A. Grabsch, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, C. Texier, «  Fluctuations of observables for free fermions  in a harmonic trap at finite temperature », SciPost Phys.   4, 014  (2018).  PDF
  • K. Malakar, V. Jemseena,   A. Kundu, K. Vijaykumar,   S. Sabhapandit, S. N. Majumdar, S. Redner, A. Dhar, «  Steady state,  relaxation and first-passage properties of   a run-and-tumble particle in one-dimension », J. Stat. Mech. P 043215 (2018).   PDF
  • D. S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr,« Wigner function of noninteracting trapped fermions », Phys. Rev. A, v-97, 063614 (2018) (selected as Editor’s choice).  PDF
  • A. K. Hartmann, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, G. Schehr, « High-precision simulation of the height distribution for the KPZ equation », Europhys. Lett. v-121, 67004 (2018).  PDF
  • A. Dhar, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit, G. Schehr, « Extreme statistics and index distribution in the classical 1d Coulomb gas », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-51, 295001 (2018).  PDF
  • H. Schawe, A.K. Hartmann, S. N. Majumdar, « Large Deviations of Convex Hulls of Self-Avoiding Random Walks », Phys. Rev. E v- 97, 062159 (2018).  PDF
  • P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Multicritical Edge Statistics for the Momenta of Fermions in
    Nonharmonic Traps », Phys. Rev. Lett., v-121, 030603 (2018).  PDF
  • P. Mounaix, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, «  Asymptotics for the expected maximum of random walks and Levy flights with a constant drift  », J. Stat. Mech. P083201 (2018).  PDF
  • S. N. Majumdar and G. Oshanin, « Spectral content of fractional Brownian motion with stochastic reset »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theo. v-51, 435001 (2018).    PDF
  • B. Mukherjee, K. Sengupta, and S. N. Majumdar, « Quantum dynamics with stochastic reset »,
    Phys. Rev. B v-98, 104309 (2018).  PDF
  • M. R. Evans and S. N. Majumdar, « Run and tumble particle under resetting: a renewal approach »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-51, 475003 (2018).  PDF
  • H. Schawe, A.K. Hartmann, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Ground-state energy of noninteracting fermions with a random energy spectrum », Europhys. Lett., v- 124, 40005 (2018).  PDF
  • B. Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Non-interacting fermions in hard-edge potentials », J. Stat Mech., P123103 (2018).   PDF
  • U. Basu, S.N. Majumdar, A. Rosso and G. Schehr, « Active Brownian motion in two dimensions », Phys. Rev. E, v-98, 062121 (2018).  PDF


  •  M. R. Evans and S.N. Majumdar, « Effects of refractory period on stochastic resetting »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-52, 01LT01 (2019).   PDF
  • B. Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, S.N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr,  «   Entanglement Entropy and Full Counting
    Statistics for 2d-Rotating Trapped Fermions  »,  Phys. Rev. A v-99, 021602 (R) (2019).  PDF
  • A. Dhar, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, S. Sabhapandit and G. Schehr, « Run-and-tumble particle in one-dimensional confining potential: Steady state, relaxation and first passage properties »,
    Phys. Rev. E, v-99, 032132 (2019).  PDF
  • D. S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Noninteracting fermions in a trap and random matrix theory », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-52, 144006 (2019).  PDF
  • G. Gradenigo and S. N. Majumdar, « A First-Order Dynamical Transition in the displacement distribution of a
    Driven Run-and-Tumble Particle », J. Stat. Mech. P053206 (2019).  PDF
  • F. D. Cunden, S. N. Majumdar, and N. O’Connell, « Free fermions and alpha–determinantal processes »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-52, 165202 (2019).  PDF
  • D. Boyer, A. Falcon-Cortes, L. Giuggioli, and S. N. Majumdar, « Anderson-like localization transition of random walks with resetting », J. Stat. Mech., P053204 (2019).  PDF
  • F. den Hollander, S.~N. Majumdar, J. M. Meylahn, and H. Touchette, « Properties of additive functionals of Brownian motion with resetting », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-52, 175001 (2019).  PDF
  • S.~N. Majumdar, P. von Bomhard, and J. Krug, « An exactly solvable record model for rainfall »,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., v-122, 158702 (2019).  PDF
  • M. Barma, S.~N. Majumdar, and D. Mukamel, «  Fluctuation-dominated phase ordering at a mixed order transition »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-52, 254001 (2019).  PDF
  • D. S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S.~N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Nonequilibrium dynamics of noninteracting fermions in a trap », Europhys. Lett. v-126, 20006 (2019).  PDF
  • P. Le Doussal, S.~N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Non-crossing run-and-tumble particles on a line »,
    Phys. Rev. E v-100, 012113 (2019).  PDF
  • S.~N. Majumdar and E. Trizac, « When random walkers help solving intriguing integrals »,
    Phys. Rev. Lett. v-123, 020201 (2019).  PDF
  • B. Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, J. A. M. Garzon, C. S. H. Calva, I. P. Castillo, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr,
    « Intermediate deviation regime for the full eigenvalue statistics in the complex Ginibre ensemble », Phys. Rev. E v-100, 012137 (2019).   PDF
  • B. Lacroix-A-Chez-Toine, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Gap statistics close to the quantile of a random walk »,
    J. Phys. A. : Math. Theor. v-52, 315003 (2019).  PDF
  • S. N. Majumdar, P. Mounaix, and G. Schehr, « Smoluchowski flux and Lamb-Lion Problems for Random Walks and Lévy Flights with a Constant Drift », J. Stat. Mech. (2019).  PDF
  • S. Agarwal, A. Dhar, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, G. Schehr, « Harmonically confined particles with long-range repulsive interactions », to appear in Phys. Rev. Lett. (2019).  PDF
  • T. Gautie, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Non-crossing Brownian paths and Dyson Brownian motion under a moving boundary », J. Stat. Phys. v-177, 752 (2019).  PDF
  • F. Mori, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, «  Time Between the Maximum and the Minimum of a Stochastic Process »,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., v-123, 200201 (2019).  PDF
  • U. Basu, S. N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, G. Schehr, «  Long-time position distribution of an active
    Brownian particle in two dimensions », Phys. Rev. E, v-100, 062116 (2019).  PDF


  •  S. N. Majumdar, A. Pal, G. Schehr, « Extreme value statistics of correlated random variables: A pedagogical
    review », Phys. Rep. v-840, 1 (2020). PDF
  • U. Basu, S. N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, G. Schehr, «  Exact stationary state of a run-and-tumble particle with
    three internal states in a harmonic trap », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-53 09LT01 (2020). PDF
  • S. N. Majumdar, B. Meerson, « Statistics of first-passage Brownian functionals »,
    J. Stat. Mech. 023202 (2020). PDF
  • F. Mori, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Universal Survival Probability for a $d$-Dimensional Run-and-Tumble Particle », Phys. Rev. Lett., v-124, 090603 (2020). PDF
  • M. R. Evans, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Stochastic resetting and
    applications », J. Phys. A. : Math. Theor. v-53, 193001 (2020). PDF
  • M. Battilana, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Universal Gap Statistics for Random Walks for a Class of Jump Densities », Markov Proc. Rel. Fields, v-26, 57 (2020). PDF
  • N. Smith, D. S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Noninteracting trapped fermions in double-well potentials: Inverted-parabola kernel », Phys. Rev. A, v-101, 053602 (2020). PDF
  • F. Mori, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Distribution of the time between maximum and minimum of random walks », Phys. Rev. E, v-101, 052111 (2020). PDF
  • A. K. Hartmann, S. N. Majumdar, H. Schawe, and G. Schehr, « The convex hull of the run-and-tumble particle in a plane », J. Stat. Mech. 053401 (2020). PDF
  • T. Banerjee, S. N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, and G. Schehr, « Current fluctuations in non-interacting run-and-tumble particles in one-dimension », Phys. Rev. E v-101, 052101 (2020). PDF
  • P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Velocity and diffusion constant of an active particle in a one dimensional force field « , Europhys. Lett. v-130, 40002 (2020).  PDF
  • M. Magoni, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Ising model with stochastic resetting »,
    Phys. Rev. Research,  v-2, 033182 (R) (2020).  PDF
  • B. Besga, A. Bovon, A Petrosyan, S. N. Majumdar, S. Ciliberto, « Optimal mean first-passage time for a Brownian searcher subjected to resetting: experimental and theoretical results »,   Phys. Rev. Research, v-2, 032029 (R) (2020). PDF
  • S. N. Majumdar and B. Meerson, « Toward the full short-time statistics of an active Brownian
    particle on the plane »,  Phys. Rev. E v-102, 022113 (2020)  PDF
  • P. Mounaix, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « Statistics of the number of records for random walks and
    Levy flights on a 1D lattice », J. Phys. A: Math. Theo. v-53, 415003 (2020). PDF
  • G. Marcado-Vasquez, D Boyer, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « Intermittent resetting potentials », J. Stat. Mech.
    113203 (2020). PDF
  • S. Sabhapandit and S. N. Majumdar, « Freezing Transition in the Barrier Crossing Rate of a Diffusing Particle »,
    Phys. Rev. Lett.  v-125, 200601 (2020).  PDF
  • F. Mori, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Universal properties of a run-and-tumble particle in arbitrary dimension », Phys. Rev. E v-102, 042133 (2020).  PDF


  • D. S. Dean, S. N. Majumdar, and H. Schawe, « Position distribution in a generalized run-and-tumble process »,
    Phys. Rev. E v-103, 012130 (2021).  PDF
  • G. Gradenigo, S. Iubini, R. Livi and S. N. Majumdar, « Localization transition in the Discrete Non-Linear Schr\ »odinger Equation: ensembles inequivalence and negative temperatures », J. Stat. Mech. 023201 (2021).  PDF
  • D. S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, N. Smith, « Kernels for non interacting fermions via a Green’s function approach with applications to step potentials », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-54, 084001 (2021).  PDF
  • S. N. Majumdar, F. Mori, H. Schawe, G. Schehr, « Mean perimeter and area of the convex hull of a planar Brownian motion in the presence of resetting », Phys. Rev. E v-103, 022135 (2021). PDF
  • N. R. Smith, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Counting statistics for non-interacting fermions in a d-dimensional potential », Phys. Rev. E v-103, L030105 (2021). PDF  
  • M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Multilayered density profile for noninteracting fermions in a rotating two-dimensional trap », Phys. Rev. A v-103, 033321 (2021). PDF
  • D.S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Impurities in systems of noninteracting trapped fermions », SciPost Phys. v-10, 082 (2021).  PDF
  • G. Gradenigo, S. Iubini, R. Livi and S. N. Majumdar, « Condensation transition and ensemble inequivalence in the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equation », Eur. J. Phys. E, v-44, 29 (2021). PDF
  • B. De Bruyn, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Survival probability of a run-and-tumble particle in the presence of a drift », J. Stat. Mech. 043211 (2021). PDF
  • J. Grela, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Non-intersecting Brownian bridges in the flat-to-flat geometry »,
    J. Stat. Phys. v-183, 1 (2021). PDF
  • F. Mori, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Condensation transition in the late-time position of a Run-and-Tumble particle », Phys. Rev. E v-103, 062134 (2021). PDF 
  • S. N. Majumdar, P. Mounaix, and G. Schehr, « Universal record statistics for random walks and L\’evy flights
    with a nonzero staying probability »,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-54, 315002 (2021). PDF
  • B. Besga, F. Faisant, A. Petrosyan, S. Ciliberto, and S.N. Majumdar, « Dynamical phase transition in the
    first-passage probability of a Brownian motion », Phys. Rev. E v-104, L012102 (2021). PDF
  • B. De Bruyne, D.S. Dean, P. Le Doussal, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Wigner function for noninteracting fermions in hard-wall potentials », Phys. Rev. A, v-104, 013314 (2021). PDF
  • B. De Bruyne, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Generating discrete-time constrained random walks and Levy flights », Phys. Rev. E v-104, 024117 (2021). PDF
  • B. De Bruyne, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Expected maximum of bridge random walks and Levy flights »,
    J. Stat. Mech. 083215 (2021). PDF
  • B. De Bruyne, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Generating constrained run-and-tumble trajectories »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-54 385004 (2021). PDF
  • A. Flack, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Truncated linear statistics in the one dimensional one-component plasma « , J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-54, 435002 (2021). PDF
  • F. Mori, G. Gradenigo, and S.~N. Majumdar, « First-order condensation transition in the position
    distribution of a run-and-tumble particle in one dimension », J. Stat. Mech. 103208 (2021). PDF
  • P. Le Doussal, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Stationary nonequilibrium bound state of a pair of run and tumble
    particles », Phys. Rev. E v-104, 044103 (2021). PDF
  • F. Mori, S.~N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Distribution of the time of the maximum for stationary processes »,
    Europhys. Lett. v-135, 30003 (2021) (Editor’s suggestion). PDF
  • J. Kethepalli, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S.~N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, G. Schehr, « Harmonically confined long-ranged interacting gas in the presence of a hard wall »,  J. Stat. Mech. 103209 (2021). PDF
  • A. D. Chepelianskii, S. N. Majumdar, H. Schawe, and E. Trizac, « One-dimensional Monte Carlo dynamics at zero temperature’, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-54, 485001 (2021). PDF
  • F. Faisant, B. Besga, A. Petrosyan, S. Ciliberto, and S. N. Majumdar, « Optimal mean first-passage time of a Brownian searcher with resetting in one and two dimensions: experiments, theory and numerical tests »,
    J. Stat. Mech. 113203 (2021). PDF
  • V. M. Schimmenti, S. N. Majumdar, and A. Rosso, « Statistical properties of avalanches via the c-record process »,
    Phys. Rev. E, v-104, 064129 (2021) (Editor’s suggestion)PDF
  • B. De Bruyne, S. N. Majumdar, H. Orland, and G. Schehr,« Generating stochastic trajectories with global dynamical constraints », J. Stat. Mech. 123204 (2021). PDF
  • P. Mergny and S. N. Majumdar, « Stability of large complex systems with heterogeneous relaxation dynamics », J. Stat. Mech. 123301 (2021). PDF
  • N. Smith, P. Le Douusal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Full counting statistics for interacting trapped fermions », SciPost Phys. v-11, 110 (2021). PDF


  • S. N. Majumdar, P. Mounaix, S. Sabhapandit, and G. Schehr, « Record statistics for random walks and L\’evy flights with resetting »,  J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-55, 034002 (2022).  PDF
  • B. De Bruyne, O. B\’enichou, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Statistics of the maximum and the convex hull of a Brownian motion in confined geometries », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-55, 144002 (2022).  PDF
  • J. Kethepalli, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S.~ N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel and G. Schehr, « Edge fluctuations and third-order phase transition in harmonically confined long-range systems », J. Stat. Mech. 033203 (2022).  PDF
  • N. R. Smith, P. Le Douusal, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Counting statistics for noninteracting fermions in a rotating trap », Phys. Rev. A, v-105, 043315 (2022).  PDF
  • P. Singh, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, H. Schawe, « Mean area of the convex hull of a run
    and tumble particle in two dimensions », J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. v-55, 225001 (2022).  PDF
  • B. De Bruyne, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Optimal Resetting Brownian Bridges via Enhanced Fluctuations », Phys. Rev. Lett. v-128, 200603 (2022).  PDF
  • M. Biroli, F. Mori, and S. N. Majumdar, « Number of distinct sites visited by a resetting random walker », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-55, 244001 (2022). PDF
  • A. Flack, S. N. Majumdar, and G. Schehr, « Gap probability and full counting statistics in the
    one dimensional one-component plasma », J. Stat. Mech. 053211 (2022).  PDF
  • N. R. Smith and S. N. Majumdar, « Condensation transition in large deviations of self-similar Gaussian processes with stochastic resetting », J. Stat. Mech. 053212 (2022).  PDF
  • M. R. Evans, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « An exactly solvable predator prey model with resetting », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-55, 274005 (2022).  PDF
  • G. Mercado-Vasquez, D. Boyer and S. N. Majumdar, « Freezing transitions of Brownian particles in confining potentials », J. Stat. Mech. 063203 (2022).  PDF
  • G. Mercado-V\’asquez, D. Boyer and S. N. Majumdar,« Reducing mean first passage times with
    intermittent confining potentials: a realization of resetting processes », J. Stat. Mech. 093202 (2022). PDF
  • G. Tucci, A. Gambassi, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « First-passage time of run-and-tumble particles  with noninstantaneous resetting », Phys. Rev. E v-106, 044127 (2022). PDF
  • F. Mori, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « Time to reach the maximum for a stationary stochastic process », Phys. Rev. E v-106, 054110 (2022). PDF
  • N.R. Smith, P. Le Doussal, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « Exact position distribution of a harmonically-confined run-and-tumble particle in two dimensions », Phys. Rev. E v-106, 054133 (2022). PDF


  • B. De Bruyne, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « Universal Order Statistics for Random Walks \& Levy Flights », J. Stat. Phys. v-190, 20 (2023). PDF
  • A. Flack, S. N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « An exact formula for the variance of linear statistics in the one-dimensional jellium model », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-56, 105002 (2023). PDF
  • M. Kulkarni, P. Le doussal, S.N. Majumdar and G. Schehr, « Density profile of noninteracting fermions in a rotating 2-d trap at finite temperature », Phys. Rev. A v-107, 023302 (2023). PDF
  • A. Zodage, R. Allen, M. R. Evans and S. N. Majumdar, « A sluggish random walk with subdiffusive spread », J. Stat. Mech. 033211 (2023). PDF
  • M. Biroli, H. Larralde, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Extreme Statistics and Spacing Distribution in a Brownian Gas Correlated by Resetting », Phys. Rev. Lett., v-130, 207101 (2023) [Editor’s suggestion]. PDF
  • A. D. Chepelianskii, S. N. Majumdar, H. Schawe, and E. Trizac, « Singular relaxation of a random walk in a box with a Metropolis Monte Carlo dynamics », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-56, 255003 (2023). PDF
  • A. Flack, P. Le Doussal, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Out-of-equilibrium dynamics of repulsive ranked diffusions: The expanding crystal », Phys. Rev. E v-107, 064105 (2023). PDF
  • N. R. Smith, S.N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Striking universalities in stochastic resetting processes »,
    Europhys. Lett. v-142, 51002 (2023). PDF
  • S. N. Majumdar, F. Mori, P. Vivo, « Cost of diffusion: nonlinearity and giant Fluctuations »,
    Phys. Rev. Lett., v-130, 237102 (2023). PDF
  • M. Biroli, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Critical number of walkers for diffusive search processes with resetting », Phys. Rev. E, v-107, 064141 (2023). PDF
  • C. Di Bello, A. K. Hartmann, S. N. Majumdar, F. Mori, A. Rosso, G. Schehr, « Current fluctuations in
    stochastically resetting particle systems », Phys. Rev. E v-108, 014112 (2023) [Editor’s suggestion]. PDF
  • D. S. Dean, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, «  Effusion of stochastic processes on a line « ,
    J. Stat. Mech. 063208 (2023). PDF
  • M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, « First detection probability in quantum resetting via
    random projective measurements », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-56, 385003 (2023). PDF
  • J. C. Sunil, R. A. Blythe, M. R. Evans and S. N. Majumdar, « The cost of stochastic resetting »,
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-56, 395001 (2023).  PDF
  • M. Gueneau, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Active particle in a harmonic trap driven by a resetting noise:  an approach via Kesten variables », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-56, 475002 (2023). PDF
  • I. Burenev, S. N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, « Local time of a system of Brownian particles on the line
    with steplike initial condition », Phys. Rev. E v-108, 064113 (2023). PDF
  • A. D. Chepelianskii, S. N. Majumdar, H. Schawe, E. Trizac, « Metropolis Monte Carlo sampling: convergence, localization  transition and optimality », J. Stat. Mech. 123205 (2023). PDF
  • S. N. Majumdar, F. Mori, P. Vivo, « Nonlinear-cost random walk: Exact statistics of the
    distance covered for fixed budget », Phys. Rev. E v-108, 064122 (2023). PDF
  • M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar,, « Generating entanglement by quantum resetting »,
    Phys. Rev. A v-108, 062210 (2023).  PDF


  • M. Biroli, H. Larralde,, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Exact extreme, order and sum statistics in a class of  strongly correlated system », Phys. Rev. E v-109, 014101 (2024). PDF
  • D. Boyer, G. Mercado-Vasquez, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Optimizing the random search of a finite-lived target by a L\’evy flight », Phys. Rev. E v-109, L022103 (2024). PDF
  • M, Biroli, M. Kulkarni, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Dynamically emergent correlations between particles in a  switching harmonic trap », Phys. Rev. E v-109, L032106 (2024). PDF
  • M. Gueneau, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Optimal mean first-passage time
    of a run-and-tumble particle in a class of one-dimensional confining potentials « ,
    Europhys. Lett., v-145, 61002 (2024). PDF
  • B. de Bruyne, P. Le doussal, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Linear statistics for Coulomb gases: higher order cumulants », J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. v-57, 155002 (2024). PDF
  • I. N. Burenev, S. N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, « Occupation time of a system of Brownian particles on the
    line with steplike initial condition », Phys. Rev. E, v-109, 044150 (2024). PDF
  • D. Boyer and S. N. Majumdar, « Active particle in one dimension subjected to resetting with memory », Phys. Rev. E, v-109, 054105 (2024). PDF
  • D. Boyer and S. N. Majumdar, « Power-law relaxation of a confined diffusing particle
    subject to resetting with memory », J. Stat. Mech. 073206 (2024). PDF
  • S. Sabhapandit and S. N. Majumdar, « Noninteracting particles in a harmonic trap
    with a stochastically driven center », J. P A: Math. Theor. v-57, 335003 (2024). PDF
  • P. Werner, A. K. Hartmann and S. N. Majumdar, « Work distribution for unzipping processes »,
    Phys. Rev. E  v-110, 024115 (2024). PDF
  • J. Kethepalli, M. Kulkarni, A. Kundu, S. N. Majumdar, D. Mukamel, G. Schehr, « Full counting statistics of 1-d short range  Riesz gases in confinement », J. Stat. Mech. 083206 (2024). PDF
  • I. N. Burenev, S. N. Majumdar, A. Rosso, « Importance Sampling for counting statistics in one-dimensional systems », J. Chem. Phys. v-161, 054115 (2024). PDF
  • A. Kundu, S, N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Universal  distribution of the number of minima for
    random walks and Levy flights, Phys. Rev. E, v-110, 024137 (2024). PDF
  • F. Mori, S. N. Majumdar, P. Vivo, « Cost of excursions until first crossing of the origin
    for random walk and Levy flights: An exact general formula »,  Phys. Rev. Research, v-6,
    043053 (2024).  PDF
  • M. Biroli, Y. Feld, A. K. Hartmann, S. N. Majumdar, G. Schehr, « Resetting by rescaling: Exact results for a diffusing  particle in one dimension », Phys. Rev. E v-110, 044142 (2024). [Editor’s Suggestion] PDF

Conference Proceedings:

      • (1) K. Damle, S.N. Majumdar and S. Sachdev, “ Far from Equilibrium Dynamics of the Bose Gas ”, Pune Workshop (CMT-20) Proceedings”; Vol-12, Condensed Matter Theories; Nova Science Publishing. Ed: J. W. Clark (1997) PDF
      • (2) A. Nagar, M. Barma and S.N. Majumdar, “ Clustering of Advected Passive Sliders on a Fluctuating Surface”, Proceedings of National Conference on Nonlinear Systems and Devices, pages 85-88,(2003).
      • (3) S.N. Majumdar, D.S. Dean and P.L. Krapivsky “ Understanding Search Trees via Statistical Physics”, in Proceedings of the STATPHYS 22 (Bangalore, India, 2004), Pramana-J. Phys. 64, 1175-1189 (2005) (also available at PDF
      • (4) P. Vivo, S.N. Majumdar and O. Bohigas, “ Large Deviations and Random Matrices”, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA B special issue (Proceedings of the Krakow Conference on Random Matrices), v-38, 4139 (2007).

Invited Reviews:

      • (1) S.N. Majumdar, “Persistence in Nonequilibrium Systems”, Current Science, v-77, 370 (1999); cond-mat/9907407. [citations: 219/192 (GS/ISI)] PDF
      • (2) S.N. Majumdar, “Brownian Functionals in Physics and Computer Science”, a contribution to the special issue “The Legacy of Albert Einstein” of Current Science (2005); Current Science, v-89, 2076 (2005). It has also appeared as a chapter in the book titled “The Legacy of Albert Einstein: A Collection of Essays in Celebration of the Year of Physics” (World Scientific, Singapore, 2007) edited by S.R. Wadia. This article is also available at PDF
      • (3) S.N. Majumdar, “ Random Matrices, the Ulam Problem, Directed Polymers & Growth Models, and Sequence Matching”, cond-mat/0701193, Les Houches lecture notes for the summer school on ”Complex Systems” (Les Houches, July 2006, organized by M. Mézard and J-P. Bouchaud). PDF
      • (4) S.N. Majumdar, “ Real-space Condensation in Stochastic Mass Transport Models”, arXiv: 0904:4097, Les Houches lecture notes for the summer school on “Exact Methods in Low-dimensional Statistical Physics and Quantum Computing” (Les Houches, July 2008). PDF
      • (5) S.N. Majumdar, “ Extreme Eigenvalues of Wishart Matrices: Application to Entangled Bipartite System”, arXiv:1005.4515, a chapter in the book “Handbook of Random Matrix Theory” (ed. by G. Akemann, J. Baik and P. Di Francesco and forwarded by F.J. Dyson) to be published by Oxford University Press. PDF
      • (6) S.N. Majumdar, “ Universal First-passage Properties of Discrete-time Random Walks and Levy Flights on a Line: Statistics of the Global Maximum and Records”, arXiv: 0912:2586, Lecture notes for the summer school ”Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics: XII” held at Leuven, Belgium (2009). PDF

Invited Talks at International Conferences (1996-)

    • 1. ”Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Systems”, Trieste, Italy, 1996.
    • 2. ”Condensed Matter Theory-20”, Pune, India, 1997.
    • 3. ”Statistical Physics of Frustrated Systems”, Trieste, Italy, 1997.
    • 4. ”Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics”, Los Alamos, USA, 1998.
    • 5. ”Temporal-Spatial Patterns”, Enschede, The Netherlands, 1998.
    • 6. ”Recent Developements in Theoretical Physics”, Bombay, India, 1999.
    • 7. ”Workshop on Nonequilibrium Systems”, satellite Statphys meeting, Calcutta, India, 1999.
    • 8. ”Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Systems”, Trieste, Italy, 1999.
    • 9. ”Nonequilibrium Dynamics”, Porto, Portugal, 1999.
    • 10. ”Recent Trends in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics”, Bangalore, India, 1999.
    • 11. ”Fifth Claude Itzykson Meeting on Nonequilibrium Dynamics”, Saclay, France, 2000.
    • 12. ”India and Abroad: Perspectives in Condensed Matter Physics”, S.N. Bose Center for Natural Sciences, Calcutta, India, 2001.
    • 13. ”Statphys 21 Satellite Meeting: VII Latin American Workshop on nonlinear Phenomena”, Cocoyoc, Morelos, Mexico, July, 2001.
    • 14. ”Statphys-Kolkata IV”, IACS (Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science) and S.N. Bose Center for Natural Sciences, Calcutta, India, 2002.
    • 15. ”Journées Sur les Graphes en Physique”, IHP, Paris, France, June, 2002.
    • 16. “50 Years of Theoretical Physics”, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Calcutta, India, January, 2003.
    • 17. “Geometry and Statistics of Random Growth”, Paris, France, Jan-April, 2003.
    • 18. “Arbres Aléatoires et Algorithmes”, Versailles, France, March, 2003.
    • 19. “Workshop on Non-Equilibrium Systems”, Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS), Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA, June, 2003.
    • 20. “Non-Equilibrium Statistical Physics in Low Dimensions and Reaction Diffusion Systems”, Max Planck Institute at Dresden, Germany, September 2003.
    • 21. “SERC school on Statistical Physics”, Tata Institute, Bombay, India, February 2004.
    • 22. “Optimization Algorithms and Disordered Quantum Systems”, Institute Henri Poincare, Paris, France, June 2004.
    • 23. “Workshop on Nonequilibrium Processes”, Korea Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul, South Korea, June 2004.
    • 24. “Statphys 22”, Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bangalore, India, July 2004.
    • 25. “Workshop on the Principles of the Dynamics of Non-Equilibrium Systems”, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, March 2006.
    • 26. “First-Passage and Extreme Value Problems in Random Processes”, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, June 2006.
    • 27. “Les Houches Summer School on Complex Systems”, Les Houches, France, July 2006.
    • 28. “International Conference on the Interdisciplinary Advances in Statistical Physics”, Beijing, China, September 2006.
    • 29. “Workshop on Random Curves, Surfaces, and Transport”, Institute of Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA, USA, April 2007.
    • 30. “International Workshop on Random Matrix Theory: From Fundamental Physics to Applications”, Krakow, Poland, May 2007.
    • 31. “Statistical Physics and Low Dimensional Systems”, Nancy, France, May 2007.
    • 32. “Summer school on Physics and Computer Science”, Bremen, Germany, June 2007.
    • 33. “International Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Distributed Information Systems”, Mariehamn, Finland, July, 2007.
    • 34. “Physique Statistique et Traitement du Signal et de l’Image”, GDR Phenix & ISIS, ENS Lyon, France, November, 2007.
    • 35. “International Conference on Nonequilibrium Phenomena in Condensed Matter”, New Delhi India, February, 2008.
    • 36. “Statistical-mechanics and Quantum-Field-Theory Methods in Combinatorial Enumeration”, Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge,  UK, April, 2008.
    • 37. “Physics of Distributed Information Systems”, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden, May, 2008.
    • 38. “International Conference on Random Matrices (ICRAM)”, Sousse Tunisia, June, 2008.
    • 39. “The Beg Rohu Summer School on Manifolds in Random Media, Random Matrices and Extreme Value Statistics”, Beg Rohu, France, June, 2008.
    • 40. “NSPCS2008: Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems”, Korea Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul South Korea, July, 2008.
    • 41. “Les Houches Summer School on Exact Methods in Low-dimensional Statistical Physics and Quantum Computing”, Les Houches, France, July, 2008.
    • 42. “IV Brunel Workshop on Random Matrix Theory”, Brunel, UK, December, 2008.
    • 43. “New paths in Random Walks–International Conference”, CIC (Curenavaca), Mexico, January, 2009.
    • 44. “Workshop on Statistical Mechanics BASM-II”, Bangalore, India, March, 2009.
    • 45. “Steady-states, Fluctuations and Dynamics of Nonequilibrium Systems”, Technion and Weizmann Institute, Israel, June, 2009.
    • 46. “Workshop on Random Matrices and their Applications in Physics and Number Theory”, IHP (Paris), France, June, 2009.
    • 47. “Nonequilibrium Physics from Classical to Quantum Low Dimensional Systems”, ICTP (Trieste), Italy, July, 2009.
    • 48. Lectures at the international summer school “ Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics XII”, La Foresta, Leuven, Belgium, September, 2009.
    • 49. “EPSRC Symposium Workshop on Non-equilibrium dynamics of spatially extended interacting particle systems (NEQ)”, University of Warwick, UK, January, 2010.
    • 50. ‘Distinguished Colloquuium’ at the “International Workshop on Non-equilibrium Statistical Physics” (NESP), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, February, 2010.
    • 51. « Invited talk at the 4-th KIAS conference on « Nonequilibrium statistical physics of complex systems », Korea Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS), South Korea, Juy, 2010.
    • 52. Invited talk at the 23-rd Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics :  » Random Matrices, Statistical Physics and Information Theory », Krakow, Poland, September, 2010.
    • 53. Second M.L. Mehta memorial lecture at Tata Institute, Bombay, India, January, 2011.
    • 54. Incited speaker at « Rencontre de Physique Statistique » held at ESPCI, Paris, France, January, 2011.
    • 55. Weston Colloquium at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, April, 2011.
    • 56. Invited lectures at the Les Houches summer school on « Vicious Walkers and Random Matrices », Les Houches, France, May, 2011.
    • 57. Plenary speaker at the 7-th « Extreme Value Analysis » (EVA 2011) held at Université de Lyon, France, June, 2011.
    • 58. Invited speaker at « Extreme Value Statistics in mathematics, Physics and Beyond » held at Lorenz Center, Leiden, Netherlands, July, 2011.
    • 59. Joint Max-Planck and LAFNES-11 Colloquium, as part of the international conference « Large Fluctuations in Non-equilibrium Systems » held at Max-Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, July, 2011.
    • 60. Invited talk at the international workshop on « Weak Chaos, Infinite Ergodic theory, and Anomalous Dynamics » held a Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, July-August, 2011.
    • 61. Invited talk at the international conference on  » Discetization in mathematics and in teoretical Physics », Strasbourg, France, September, 2011.
    • 62. Invited talk at the international conference on « Random Processes, Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Systems », Moscow, Russia, September, 2011.
    • 63. Invited talk at the international conferencce « GrandMa 2011 » (Grand Matrices Aleatoires), held at Institute Henri Poincaré, Paris, France, October, 2011.
    • 64. Invited talk at the international conference « Open Quantum Systems and Quantum Information Theory », Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, November, 2011.
    • 65. Invited talk at the « 106th Statistical Mechanics Conference » helds at Rutgers University, USA, December 2011.
    • 66. Subhramanyan Chandrasekhar lectures as part of the international conference « Random Matrix theory and applications », held at International Center for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS, Bangalore, India, January, 2012).
    • 67. Invited speaker at the international conference « Search 2012: Search and Stochastic Phenomena in
      Complex Physical and Biological Systems » held at IFISC, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May, 2012.
    • 68. Invited speaker at the international conference « Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems » (the 5-th KIAS conference on Statistical Physics) held at Korea Insititute of Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul, South Korea, July, 2012.
    • 69.  Invited speaker at the international workshop « Autour des probabilites de persistance »
      held at the department of Mathematics at the University of Lille, France, September, 2012.
    • 70.  Plenary speaker at ICNP1 (First International Conference on Numerical Physics), held
      at the University of Sciences and Technology, Oran, Algeria, October, 2012.
    • 71. Invited speaker at the international conference « Statistical Mechanics in Low Dimensions » (in honor of Henk HILHORST), held at LPT, Universite Paris-Sud (Orsay), France, December, 2012.
    • 72. Invited speaker at the VIII Brunel-Bielefeld workshop on « Random matrix Theory and
      Applications », held at Brunel University (London), UK, December, 2012.
    • 73. Invited speaker at the « Workshop on quantum graphs and applications », held at the
      University of Bristol (Bristol), UK, December, 2012.
    • 74.  Invited speaker at the international conference « Diversity and Complexity: Realm of Today’s Statistical Physics », held at the Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (Kolkata), India, January, 2013.
    • 75. Invited guest lectures on `random walks’ for the Master’s course
      on `Complex Systems’ at King’s College (London), UK, March, 2013.
    • 76. Keynote speaker at the « 38th Conference of the Middle European
      Cooperation in Statistical Physics-MECO38″ held at ICTP (Trieste), Italy, March, 2013.
    • 77. Invited lectures on `models of nonequilibrium physics’ at the
      4-th RRI school on statistical physics held at RRI (Raman Research
      Institute) (Bangalore), India, April, 2013.
    • 78. Invited lectures on `Random matrix Theory and its applications’
      at the Beg-Rohu summer school on `Disordered Systems’ (Beg-Rohu),
      France, June, 2013.
    • 79. Invited speaker at the conference `Rencontre Nicoise de Physique
      Theorique et de Probabilite », held at the University of Nice,
      France, June, 2013.
    • 80. Plenary speaker at STATPHYS25 held at Seoul, South Korea, July, 2013.
    • 81. Invited lectures (4 lectures) on `3rd order phase transitions
      in random matrix madels’ at the Bielefeld summer school on `
      Randomness in Physics and Mathematics: From Quantum Chaos to Free
      Probability’, held at the University of Beilefeld, Germany, August, 2013.
    • 82. Invited speaker at the EPSRC symposium/workshop on « Models from
      Statistical Mechanics in Applied Sciences’, held at the University of Warwick,
      UK, September, 2013.
    • 83. Invited speaker at the international workshop, « Small systems far
      from equilibrium: order, correlations, and fluctuations », held at the
      Max-Planck-Institute for complex systems, Dresden, Germany, October,
    • 84. Invited speaker at the international workshop, « Animal movement
      in confined space: from space use patterns to epidemic spread »,
      held at the University of Bristol, UK, December, 2013.
    • 85. Invited lectures at the « RRI \& ICTS summer school in statistical physics »,
      held at the Raman Research Institute, Bangalore, India, April, 2014.
    • 86. Invited lectures at the international workshop « Advances in Nonequilibrium
      Statistical Mechanics », held at the Galileo Galilei Institute (GGI), Florence,
      Italy, May-June, 2014.
    • 87. Invited lecture series on random matrix theory at the internation
      summer school « Spectral analysis for random matrices and applications »,
      held at the Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, May, 2014.
    • 88. Invited lectures at the international conference « Random Walks in
      Random Media », held at CIRM, Marseille, France, June, 2014.
    • 89. Invited speaker at the international conference « Viewpoints on
      Emergent Phenomena in Non-equilibrium Systems », held at the Higgs Centre
      for Theoretical Physics, University of Edinburgh, UK, June, 2014.
    • 90. Invited speaker at the international conference « Random Matrix
      Theory: Foundations and Applications », held at the Jagiellonian University,
      Krakow, Poland, July, 2014.
    • 91. Invited speaker at the international conference « 6-th Kias
      conference on « Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems » held
      at the Korea Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul, South Korea, July, 2014.
    • 92. Invited speaker at the international workshop « Persistence
      probabilities and related fields », held at the Technical University,
      Darmstadt, Germany, July, 2014.
    • 93. Invited speaker at the international school on « Non-linear Dynamics,
      Dynamical Transitions and Instabilities in Classical and Quantum Systems »,
      held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy, July, 2014.
    • 94.  Invited speaker at the international workshop on « Large deviations in statistical physics », held at the University of Stellenbosh, South Africa, November, 2014.
    • 95. Invited speaker at the international workshop on « Applications of random matrix theory and statistical physics in communications nad networks », held at the Institut Henri Poincare, Paris, France, November, 2014.
    • 96. Invited speaker at the international workshop on « Statistical mechanics Day VII », held at the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel, November, 2014.
    • 97. Invited speaker at the international workshop on « Frontiers in Condensed Matter Physics », held at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Jerusalem, Israel, December, 2014.
    • 98. Invited speaker at the international conference «  Second ICTS Indian Statistical Physics Community meeting », held at the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India, February, 2015.
    • 99. Invited speaker at the international conference « DPG: Deutsche Physikalische Gesselschaft e.V. spring meeting », held at Technical University, Berlin, Germany, March, 2015.
    • 100. Invited speaker at the international conference « Stochastic processes in random media »,  held at the National University of Singapore, Singapore, May 2015.
    • 101. Invited speaker at the summer school « ICTP spring college on the physics of complex systems »,  held at ICTP, Trieste, Italy, May-June, 2015.
    • 102. Invited speaker at the international conference « Science at ICTS »,  held at ICTS, Bangalore, India, June, 2015.
    • 103. Invited speaker at the international workshop «  The dynamics of foraging » held at MPI, Dresden, Germany, October, 2015.
    • 104. Invited speaker at the international workshop « NESP2015: workshop on nonequilibrium statistical physics », held at ICTS, Bangalore, India, October-November 2015.
    • 105.  Invited speaker at the international workshop «  XI Brunel-Bielefeld workshop on random matrices », held at Zif (Center for interdisciplinary research), Bieledfeld University, Germany, December, 2015.
    • 106. Invited speaker at the international conference « 17th. Annula UC Berkeley statistical physics meeting », held at the University of California at Berkeley, USA, January 2016.
    • 107. Invited speaker at the international workshop « New approaches to nonequilibrium and random systems: KPZ integrability, universality, applications and experiments »,  held at KITP, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA, Janaury, 2016.
    • 108. Invited speaker at the conference « ISPC-3″, held at ICTS, Bangalore, India, February, 2016.
    • 109. Invited speaker at the conference « Optimal nad random point configurations », held at IHP, Paris, France, June, 2016.
    • 110. Invited speaker at the conference « Nonequilibrium statistical physics of complex systems », held at KIAS, South Korea, July, 2016.
    • 111. Invited speaker at the conference « Statistical topology of random manifolds: theory and applications », held at ICTP, Italy, July, 2016.
    • 112. Invited speaker at the conference « Entanglement and nonequilibrium physics of pure and disordered systems », held at ICTP, Italy, July, 2016.
    • 113. Invited speaker at the conference « Random geometry and physics », held at IHP (Paris), France, October, 2016.
    • 114. Invited speaker at the conference « Statphys Kolkata-IX’, held at Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kolkata, India, December 2016.
    • 115. Invited speaker at the conference « String theory: Past and Present », held at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Bangalore,  India, January 2017.
    • 116. Invited speaker (and moderator) for the session « Extreme Value Statistics in stochastic processes », as part of the international conference « Inhomogeneous Random Systems » (IRS 2017), held at IHP (Paris), France,  January 2017.
    • 117. Invited speaker at the « Spring School on probability in mathematics and physics », held at TU Darmstadt, Germany, March 2017.
    • 118. Invited minicourse on « Top eigenvalue of a random matrix: Tracy-Widom distribution and 3rd order phase transition », held at the Interdisciplinary Institute (Poncelet lab at Moscow), Russia, May 2017.
    • 119. Invited speaker at the conference « From Field Theory to Non-Equilibrium », held at the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis,  France, June, 2017.
    • 120. Invited speaker at the international workshop on `Random Matrices’,
      held at the Park City Mathematical Institute (PCMI, Utah), USA, June, 2017.
    • 121. Invited speaker at the international workshop on « Climate fluctuations and Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue », held at the Max-Planck-Institute for Complex
      Systems (Dresden),  Germany, July, 2017.
    • 122. Invited speaker at the international conference « Out of equilibrium dynamics in soft and condensed matter », held at the International Institute of Physics (IIP) (Natal), Brazil, August, 2017.
    • 123. Invited speaker at the international conference « The statistical physics cornucopia » (in honour of the 60’th birthday of Marc Mezard), held at the Theatre de Reine Blanche (Paris), France, September, 2017.
    • 124.  Invited speaker at the international workshop « Large Deviation Theory in Statistical Physics: Recent Advances and Future Challenges », held at ICTS (Bangalore), India, September, 2017.
    • 125. Invited speaker at the international conference « Probabilistic  techniques and Quantum Information Theory », held at IHP, Paris, France, October, 2017.
    • 126. Invited speaker at the international workshop «  Correlations, Fluctuations and anomalous transport in systems far from equilibrium », held at SRITP, Weizmann Institute of Science,  Israel,
      December, 2017.
    • 127. Invited speaker at the international summer school « Statistical Field Theories (2018) » (10 lectures (1h each) on Random Matrix Theory) held at the Galileo Galilei Institute, Florence, Italy, February,
    • 128. Invited speaker at the international conference « Frontiers of Statistical Physics », held at the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, February, 2018.
    • 129. Invited speaker at the international conference « Emergent phenomena in classical and qunatum systems » (125 years of S.N. Bose), held at the S.N. Bose Centre for Basic Sciences, Calcutta, India,
      February, 2018.
    • 130. Invited at the international workshop « Point Configurations in Geometry, Physics and Computer Science », Semester program at ICERM, Brown University, Providence, USA, April, 2018.
    • 131. Invited speaker at the international conference MECO43 (Middle European Cooperation in
      Statistical Physics), held at Krakow, Poland, May, 2018.
    • 132. Invited speaker at the international conference « Integrable Probability », held at MIT (Boston),  USA, June, 2018.
    • 133. Invited speaker at the international conference  « Randomness and Symmetry », held at the University College of Dublin (UCD), Ireland, June, 2018.
    • 134. Invited speaker at the international conference « Random Matrix Theory meets Theoretical Physics », held at the Universite’ Paris-Descartes, Paris, France, June, 2018.
    • 135. Invited speaker at the conference « Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems–8-th KIAS meeting », held at Korea Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul, South Korea, July, 2018.
    • 136. Invited speaker at the conference « Probabilistic methods in statistical physics for extreme statistics and rare events », held at Scuole Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy, September, 2018.
    • 137. Invited speaker at the conference « Modern aspects of Quantum Physics », held at the Ruder Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, October, 2018.
    • 138. Invited speaker at the conference « XIV-th Brunel–Bielefeld Workshop on Random Matrix Theory and Applications », held at Brunel University, London, UK, December, 2018.
    • 139.  Invited Plenary speaker at the conference « 
      New directions in theoretical physics III », held at the Higgs
      Center, University of Edinburgh, UK, January, 2019.
    • 140.  Invited speaker at the international workshop
      « Universality in random structures: Interfaces, Matrices, Sandpiles »,
      held at ICTS (Bangalore),  India, January, 2019.
    • 141.  Invited speaker at the workshop « Statistical Physics and
      Nonlinear Dynamics », organized by the Queen Mary University
      (London) and held at the British Council (Paris), France, April, 2019.
    • 142.  Invited speaker at the international conference « 
      Random Matrices and Random Graphs », held at CIRM (Marseille),  France, April, 2019.
    • 143.  Invited speaker at the international workshop « 
      New directions in Quantum information », held at Nordita (Stockholm), Sweden, April, 2019.
    • 144.  Invited talk (as the recipient of the EPS prize
      for Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (EPS-SNPD, 2019)) at the international
      conference « Statistical Physics of Complex Systems »  held at Nordita (Stockholm), Sweden, May, 2019.
    • 145.  Invited speaker at the international ICTS-RRI summer school on Statistical Physics, held at
      ICTS (Bangalore), India, June 2019.
    • 146.  Invited speaker at the international conference « Statistical Physics Meets Movement Ecology »,
      held at Bristol University (Bristol), UK, July, 2019.
    • 147.  Invited speaker at the international conference « 32-nd Marian Smoluchowsky Symposium on Statistical Physics », held at Jagiellonian University (Krakow), Poland, September, 2019.
    • 148. Invited speaker at the international conference« Fluctuations in Nonequilibrium Systems: Theory and applications  » held at ICTS (Bangalore), India, March, 2020.
    • 149. Invited speaker at the international workshop, « Stochastic Processes under Constraints »,
      held at Oberwolfach (partly virtual)), Germany, September, 2020.
    • 150. Invited speaker at the APS march meeting (virtual)
      in the `Kadanoff Prize Session’, USA, March, 2021.
    • 151. Invited speaker at the international workshop (virtual)
      « Random Matrix Theory and Networks », Max-Planck Institute,
      Dresden, Germany, June, 2021.
    • 152. Invited speaker at the international conference (virtual) « Lattice Paths, Combinatorics and Interactions », CIRM, Marseille, France, June, 2021.
    • 153. Invited speaker at the international conference « Mathematical
      harmony and the quantum world » (conference honouring the 60th birthday
      of D. Bernard), ENS, Paris, France, October, 2021.
    • 154. Invited {Plenary} speaker at the international conference « 
      Brazilian Physical Society Meeting (III) (virtual), held at Sao Paolo,
      Brazil, November, 2021.
    • 155. Invited speaker at the international conference (virtual) « 
      Statistical Physics: Recent advances and future directions »,
      held at ICTS, Bangalore, India, February, 2022.
    • 156. Invited speaker at the international conference (virtual) « 
      StatPhys Kolkata XI », held at S.N. Bose Center for Basic Sciences, Calcutta, India, March, 2022.UK
    • 157. Invited speaker at the conference « Cempi days, 2022″,
      held at Universite de Lille, France, March, 2022.
    • 158. Invited speaker at the international conference  « Non-Markovian Dynamics Far From Equilibrium », held at ITCP, Trieste, Italy, May, 2022.
    • 159. Invited speaker at the international workshop « 70 years of  physics at Les Houches », held at Ecole de Physique,  Les Houches, France, May, 2022.
    • 160. Invited speaker at the international workshop « Determinantal and permanental point processes, quantum physics, and signal processing », held at ENS-Lyon, France, May, 2022.
    • 161. Invited speaker at the international workshop « From information to control and non-equilibrium », held at the University of Nice, France, June, 2022.
    • 162. Invited speaker at the international workshop « British Mathematical Colloquium », held at King’s College, London, UK, June, 2022.
    • 163. Invited speaker at the international conference « Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics of Complex Systems », held at the Korea Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS),
      Seoul, South Korea, July, 2022.
    • 164. Invited speaker at the international conference « Fluctuations in
      small complex systems VI », held at Palazzo Franchetti, Venice, Italy, September, 2022.
    • 165. Invited speaker at the international conference « Jean-Philippe
      Bouchaud– a rare event? » » (in honour of J,-P. Bouchaud’s 60th birthday),
      held at ENS and Theatre de la Reine Blanche (Paris), France, September, 2022.
    • 166. Invited speaker at the international conference « Statistical Mechanics and its applications », held at UWC College (Dilijan), Armenia, October, 2022.
    • 167. Invited speaker at the international conference « Coulomb gases and universality »,
      held at Sorbonne Universite’ (Jussieu, Paris), France, December, 2022.
    • 168. Invited speaker at the international conference « Rare Events in Physics and Climate »,
      held at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev (Israel), Israel, December, 2022.
    • 169. Invited speaker at the international conference « DPG Spring meeting (German Physical Society) », held at Dresden University (Dresden), Germany, March, 2023.
    • 170. Invited speaker at the international conference
      « 27th Rencontres ITZYKSON: Fluctuations far from equilibrium »,
      held at IPHT (Saclay), France, May, 2023.
    • 171. Invited speaker at the international conference
      « Building a bridge between non-equilibrium statistical physics and biology »,
      held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge),
      UK, July, 2023.
    • 172. Invited speaker at the international workshop « Summer School on Mathematics of Movement », held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences (Cambridge),
      UK, July, 2023.
    • 173. Invited speaker at the international workshop « Out-of-equilibrium Dynamics and Quantum Information of Many-body Systems with Long-range Interactions »
      held at KITP, Santa Barbara USA, October, 2023.
    • 174. Invited speaker at the international conference, « Frontiers in Statistical Physics »,
      held at Raman Research Institute, Bangalore India, December, 2023.
    • 175. Invited speaker at the international conference, « Statistical physics after 100 years of the Ising model », held at Rajabazar Science College (Calcutta University), Calcutta India, December, 2023.
    • 176. Invited speaker at the `Autumn meeting’ of the Brazilian Physical
      Society, held at the Federal University of Santa Caterina
      (Florianopolis), Brazil, May, 2024.
    • 177. Keynote speaker at the international conference « Complex Systems
      and Stochastic Processes », held at the University of Guadalajara, Mexico, July, 2024.
    • 178. Invited speaker at the international conference « Self-interacting
      Processes », held at the Newton Institute (Cambridge), UK, July, 2024.
    • 179. Invited speaker at the international conference « Nonequilibrium Sttatistical Physics of Complex Systems (NSPCS) », held at the Korea Institute of Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul,
      South Korea, July, 2024.
    • 180. Invited speaker at the international conference « Modelling and applications of anomalous diffusions », held at the Newton Institute  (Cambridge), UK, September, 2024.
    • 181. Plenary speaker at the « 4th International workshop on stochastic
      processes and their applications », held at the University
      of Zaragoza, Spain, September, 2024.

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